Bible Notes

"He that seeth me seeth him that sent me" (John 12:45)—It may be noted that the particular Greek verb which is here rendered "see," though it often refers to physical vision, can also mean "to discern," "to view mentally, consider" (Thayer: Greek Lexicon, pp. 289f.).

"I have not spoken of myself" (John 12:49)—The Greek preposition employed in this phrase does not mean "of" in the sense of "about" or "concerning," but in its more archaic meaning of "from" or "out of," or, as we might express it in modern English: "I have not spoken on my own responsibility." The Twentieth Century New Testament has: "I have not delivered it on my own authority;" Moffatt: "I have not spoken of my own accord;" and the Revised Version: "I spake not from myself." Goodspeed renders: "I have not spoken on my account."

"Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me" (John 14:11)—It is of interest to note that while in the previous verse the Master had addressed Philip alone (Believest thou not), here, in verse 11, the Greek shows that he is now addressing the whole group gathered around, for the imperative form rendered "believe" is in the plural, not the singular. Because of this, Weymouth renders: "Believe me, all of you, that I am in the Father."

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