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"A little leaven"
"The kingdom of heaven," said Jesus, "is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened." This parable contains a promise which we in this age particularly need to remember.
Much is being said today to discourage young people who are starting out in life. Sometimes they are made to feel that high ideals are impracticable. World peace still seems a distant goal. Governments often seem to be corrupt, in the hands of those who are motivated by desire for personal power or greed. Success frequently seems to be obtained by those who are willing to sacrifice honesty and integrity for personal profit; and even in the field of sport, we find that trickery and deception are sometimes substituted for proved skill and clean competition. In the face of this evidence, iterated and reiterated by the press, the radio, and other publicizing agencies, young people may be tempted to believe that Christian Science, with its message of practical idealism, is visionary and cannot be demonstrated in actual experience. The argument may present itself that, even though its doctrines are sound and logical, it is futile for an individual to attempt to prove them in a world where material thinking is predominant.
Perhaps it was in answer to such specious arguments that the Master used the parable quoted above for the comfort and encouragement of his listeners, reminding them that the power of Truth is indeed mighty, pervasive, penetrating. Christian Science may not require us to grapple with world problems before we have learned how to meet our own individual problems successfully, in the local sphere to which we are accustomed. We need to remember, however, that divine Principle is always operative to apply in our personal experience or in world affairs. In "Pulpit and Press" (p. 4) Mary Baker Eddy, our revered Leader, writes: "You have simply to preserve a scientific, positive sense of unity with your divine source, and daily demonstrate this. Then you will find that one is as important a factor as duo-decillions in being and doing right, and thus demonstrating deific Principle." If we will begin to prove what we know in the simple things of daily affairs, we shall grow in grace and confidence, and be ready to try our ever-unfolding understanding in wider fields of usefulness.
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March 25, 1939 issue
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Principle, not Person
"The place whereon thou standest"
"A little leaven"
The Office of Reader
Joy and Spiritual Riches
The Open Door
"Showers of blessings"
May I take the liberty of correcting a mistaken impression...
Jerome B. Burbank, former Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
In a recent issue, under the heading, "What Do You Think?"...
Newton T. Burdick, Committee on Publication for British Columbia, Canada,
A letter which appeared in a recent issue expresses the...
Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key,
He Went Up into a Mountain
William R. Rathvon, C. S. B.
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?"
Duncan Sinclair
Divine Direction
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Jan N. Reddingius, Marie A. Guthrie, Fritz Wälti , Ronald B. Levens
I wish to express gratitude for the many wonderful...
Hilda Mary Munro
Too much space would be required for me to relate all...
Inez A. Beals
I was healed in Christian Science, many years ago, of...
Floy S. Gignilliat
In March, 1926, I fell and broke my hip. Since I was...
Ellen Daugard
It is with a deep sense of humility and gratitude that I...
R. H. Merton Willson
Christian Science is a religion which leads us to God by...
Helen Dyer Beaver
Although I did not turn to Christian Science for a physical...
John Miller Maclachlan with contributions from Ethel M. Maclachlan
Through seeing my mother healed in three days of dropsy...
M. Janette Dickson
"Now is the accepted time"
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Moses Fischer, A. W. Webster, Peter Hamilton, Alfred Grant Walton