[Original testimony in Swedish]

In Psalms we read, "O Lord, open thou my lips; and my...

In Psalms we read, "O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise." These words helped me to gain the healing about which I should like to testify.

The first time I heard of Christian Science was through a letter, which came to me when I lived in the woods of Norrland. It told about a marvelous doctrine which worked miracles like those of Christ Jesus' time. I did not consider this so surprising as did others, because I already had a strong faith in God's loving power. The message about Christian Science came to me the second time through a relative who, during a visit to Stockholm, had attended a Wednesday testimony meeting. The strongest recollection she had of this meeting was of a testimony she had heard. The intense, jubilant gratitude in the voice of the testifier had made an ineffaceable impression upon her.

Afterward, a Christian Scientist came on a journey to the community where I lived, and through an unusual turn of events our ways met. My family was in troublesome financial circumstances, and struggling with great difficulties. I had then practically decided to go to Stockholm, so that the children might be able to get vocational training. The Christian Scientist supported me in my decision, and asked me to feel welcome to visit her in her home. From that time she led me step by step into Christian Science, and I began to attend the services regularly and to study the Christian Science literature.

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October 7, 1939

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