What Do We See as Real?

Job said, "Let the day perish wherein I was born;" but later, when realizing the spiritual nature of being, he exclaimed, "I know that my redeemer liveth." Such a change in viewpoint makes it clear that the material sense of things is unreliable. Seeing is spiritual, and this great fact is a call to everyone to maintain his thinking at the level of spiritual truth; for the clearer one's thinking is, the nearer will it approach to the ideal.

To cultivate a happier outlook, to see things as did the lovable Mark Tapley, portrayed by Charles Dicknes, is commendable; but in the quest for spiritual understanding it is essential to rise far above human optimism. It is necessary to build thought upon the truth revealed in the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy regarding the perfection of God, of man as His image and likeness, and of the universe, unseen to human eye, in which the facts of spiritual being are supreme.

In the perfection of God, clearly taught in the Scriptures, and universally, if somewhat theoretically, acknowledged by Christendom, is necessarily included the perfection of God's creation. Although this logical deduction may appear strange to thought which has long regarded materiality and imperfection as real, increasing understanding of Christian Science discloses upon every hand evidences that the real government of the universe is spiritual. Revelation, reason, and demonstration all bear witness to the spiritual nature of real being.

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"Not two bases of being"
October 7, 1939

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