When Christian Science was introduced to me by a loving...

When Christian Science was introduced to me by a loving sister I was seemingly up against a stone wall fighting for my life and reason. There seemed no way to turn. But the truth brought me relief from suffering. An unlovely disposition and an ungovernable temper dropped from my consciousness. Sensitiveness has also been overcome to a large extent.

I have had a number of instantaneous healings with the help of a practitioner, and others which took longer. One healing I should especially like to mention was of a bone tumor on the wrist, which disappeared overnight. When removing the bandage to replace it with a clean one I saw that the abnormal enlargement was gone. A slight stroke was soon resolved into nothingness with a practitioner's help.

For each and all of my healings I am so grateful to God and to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. I am also humbly grateful for the demonstrations for which I have had to work the hardest, because the work they required me to do made me stronger and lifted me higher in the understanding of Christian Science.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science has brought into my life so much of...
August 29, 1936

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