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Defense against Mass Mesmerism
"Mass mesmerism," so called, to which reference is frequently made, is not something which appears suddenly out of a clear sky, so to speak. Rather is it a condition which, in belief, is developed gradually by reason of first one person and then another accepting as real some erroneous suggestion of evil, whether it be of disease, depression, the fear of disaster, or fallacious economic or political dogmas.
So-called contagious disease may, for example, begin with a few sporadic cases, and spread through mental contagion until it becomes epidemic. When many persons in a community have thus become mentally infected through fear, and find themselves manifesting the symptoms of a prevalent type of disease, there is a condition of so-called mass mesmerism. The existence of such a condition, having been reported in the press and heralded by radio, reaches, in belief, the thought of individuals in other communities, and so the epidemic may spread.
It is regrettable that the spread of so-called contagious or infectious disease is sometimes given additional impetus by persistent propaganda inspired by a mistaken sense of responsibility for public welfare, or even, perhaps, at times, by less worthy motives. Christian Scientists, however, are learning to defend themselves against these aggressive suggestions of the presence and prevalence of disease, and are grateful to have learned from their study of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," that as its author, Mary Baker Eddy, says on page 496, "In Science there is no transfer of evil suggestions from one mortal to another, for there is but one Mind."
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August 29, 1936 issue
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Uprooting Obnoxious Plantings
The Wednesday Evening Meetings
Instantaneous Healing
Our "task of glory"
"Holy, acceptable unto God"
The Fifth Commandment
An article in your issue of August 1 refers to Christian Science...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
It is not the desire of Christian Scientists to enter into...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
The station announcer said: Good afternoon, Ladies and...
Extracts from an Address by Albert E. Lombard, Christian Science Committee on Publication for Southern California, in Columbia "Church of the Air," over KHJ,
From a letter dated 1885
Violet Ker Seymer
Defense against Mass Mesmerism
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Myrtle M. Koeppel, Ambrose Campbell Carmichael, Grace Ridgway Shonert, Edward Buckley, Grace E. Warren, Oella C. Webster, Florence Thompson, Carrie Mae Holt
About eleven years ago, after years of suffering, I was...
Florance M. Campbell
I am indeed grateful for a remark I heard while serving...
Warren V. Reed
Mere words cannot express the joy and blessings the...
Laura L. Cheney
By submitting this testimony I should like to express my...
Elisabeth Garten
When Christian Science was introduced to me by a loving...
Addie Gray Tyson
Christian Science has brought into my life so much of...
Margaret W. Preston
In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by...
Daphne Jenkinson
When I wish to express gratitude for Christian Science,...
Virginia Heckman Wagner
Having reached a place in my life where it seemed there...
Ivan L. Osterhout
The Comforter
Signs of the Times
with contributions from H. L. Herberts, T. M. Carter, Ernest H. Cherrington, J. L. Newland, Theodore Gerald Soares