I have been so wonderfully blessed by the testimonies...

I have been so wonderfully blessed by the testimonies which I have read in the Christian Science periodicals that I feel it my duty and privilege to add this testimony.

Christian Science came to me when it seemed that I had nothing left for which to live, for that which I had most dearly treasured in my life was suddenly taken from me. It required several years of earnest study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, together with the Bible, before this state of thought was entirely overcome.

During this period of unfoldment I was healed of hatred, revenge, jealousy, and many other unbecoming traits of character. My eyesight, which had been defective from childhood, was restored to the normal requirements of the United States Naval Service. Seasickness, which had distressed me over a period of twelve years, was overcome, and I was permanently healed of the cigarette habit without the aid of a practitioner, by knowing the truth of Mrs. Eddy's statement in Science and Health (p. 454), "It need not be added that the use of tobacco or intoxicating drinks is not in harmony with Christian Science."

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Testimony of Healing
About six years ago I was a broken woman, physically...
August 8, 1936

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