"Stationary power, stillness, and strength"

Throughout the teachings of Christian Science emphasis is laid on the importance, the value, of spiritual power. Thus, on page 454 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy writes, "The superiority of spiritual power over sensuous is the central point of Christian Science." Comparatively few are aware of the ready availability of spiritual power until they become students of Christian Science, material power appearing to be so real to them. But what a change takes place in their thinking when they realize the immanence and availability of what was formerly to them practically unknown!

How then does Christian Science regard spiritual power? How does it reason on this important subject in order to convince the student that spiritual power exists and is superior to sensuous? All such reasoning begins with the truth about God, declaring that He is infinite Spirit. Since God, Spirit, is infinite, in reality there is no power but that of Spirit. No other logical conclusion than this can be drawn. And what follows from the fact that Spirit and spiritual power alone are real? That there is no real material power.

The declaration of Christian Science that Spirit and spiritual power alone are real is of such vast importance to mankind that it were well to consider it more fully. Christian Science makes clear that at present mankind is largely oblivious to that which when understood would most benefit it—spiritual power. For what is belief in the reality of matter and material power doing? Only binding mankind to error—to sin and sickness, which eventuate in the belief of death. Just as individuals perceive the truth of the allness of Spirit and the nothingness of matter; just as they acknowledge the fact that spiritual power, not material power, is real, do they rise above the limiting beliefs of material sense with their erroneous consequents.

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February 8, 1936

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