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"The might and wisdom of God"
"Thy will be done." The spiritual fact underlying this simple but profound prayer of our Master contains the remedy for every untoward condition that ever has presented or ever can present itself to mankind. False education has led men to look upon this statement as a petition to God to enforce His divine will; but in the light of the teachings of Christian Science we know of a certainty that this is a joyful statement of fact, not a reminder to God of His duty. It is a declaration to humankind that there are not many wills or minds, but one divine Mind. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 597) Mrs. Eddy sets forth the false and the true meaning of "will" as follows: "The motive-power of error; mortal belief; animal power. The might and wisdom of God."
The knowledge that God's will is done awakens men from the dream of many minds, for dream it must be, since Jesus' prayer is the avowal of reality. Referring to mortals, Paul says, "Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar." Every conflict, whether involving persons or nations, is a belief of two or more wills or opinions. Men have feared to pray, "Thy will be done," thinking that it might take from one to give to another; but God's will is infinitely good. Therefore, it gives to everyone infinite goodness, and is the prayer of perfect assurance of equity and justice.
True education enables us to allow the facts of being, rather than false human opinion, to reign in our consciousness. Human progress clearly results as the light of understanding dispels the ignorance of mortal belief. Since there can be but one true understanding concerning anything that is real, all progress is the recognition of the presence of the one divine, true, or actual will of God and His changeless, beneficent, divinely enforced law. "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord."
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December 26, 1936 issue
View Issue-
Building not in Vain
A Changing Order
"A Rule for Motives and Acts"
Watchfulness and Opportunity
"The might and wisdom of God"
"Easy and rapid strides"
I have read with interest the excerpts from a sermon...
Clair D. Robison, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
There was a reference to Christian Science in the Religious Notes...
Miss Maude A. Law, Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
In an article in Esquire occurs a reference to Christian Scientists...
Harold Molter, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
In your recent issue there appears a review of a...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
Honoring the Son
Duncan Sinclair
Man Is Not in Trouble
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Ellis Traub, Emilie Plüss-Stettler, Georgie Lantz Wiebel, Grace Bradley Potter, Charlotte M. Klenert, Martin E. Goldman
Christian Science has helped me in every possible way,...
Rose Emily Henderson
It has been my humble privilege to be a student of...
Amiel H. Broughton
About twenty-two years ago my sister, who had sought...
Marian P. Miller with contributions from Elizabeth J. Birge
I have always considered it a great privilege to testify...
Matilda Bishop King
Twenty years have elapsed since Christian Science was...
Janet Downie Newland
After serving in France and Germany during the World War...
Fred. B. Crumbaugh
Blessings innumerable have come to me since I took up...
Lucy E. Steinart
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frank M. Selover, James Reid, Correspondent