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The Scriptures inform us that when Christ Jesus commissioned his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel, he sent "them forth by two and two." If we judge the Master's motive by his wisdom and exactness, it is safe to conclude that there was a good reason for his trial of this particular method. Jesus knew the stolid resistance to spiritual healing and teaching which his pupils were to encounter, and, being their dearest friend, he desired to help and protect by permitting them to aid one another. Logically, he must have sent forth the disciples who would collaborate in friendliness and brotherhood—those who in their love for each other were truly reflecting that Love which is God. The Master saw that, by human as well as spiritual cooperation, they could accomplish the greatest good. We read: "And they went out, and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them." The disciples' ability to heal by spiritual means, like that of the Master, was the outcome of their understanding of God, good, as infinite and all-powerful, and the recognition of evil, or error, as utterly devoid of divine support. The understanding of God and of man's spiritual perfection and oneness with Him was the basis of friendliness among themselves; and this fact points a moral which all may profitably heed.
The Bible is replete with instances of great friendliness, denoting a union of kindred spiritual qualities. Moses and Aaron, Elijah and Elisha, David and Jonathan, Naomi and Ruth, Peter and John, Paul and Silas, are outstanding examples. All of Jesus' healing activities show the divine attribute of friendliness. On the night before the crucifixion he called Judas "friend," even though knowing his treacherous plan. How great was the love in his heart for suffering humanity! How deep the inspiration that fed the flame of devotion to his cause! The greatest friend mankind has ever known represented the Christ of prophetic promise. Unfailingly, and with divine assurance, he demonstrated his understanding of the power of Life, Truth, and Love by healing the afflicted, feeding the multitudes, stilling the storm, destroying sin, and raising the dead. With what clarity he comprehended that Love must be reflected in the human heart if aught of good is to be revealed in human experience!
Mrs. Eddy likewise proved that to reach another's heart one's own must overflow with friendliness, compassion, joy, gratitude, and spiritual loveliness. Always gentle and just, in her writings she points thought steadfastly toward the clear contemplation and practical demonstration of the truth in its universal aspect. In "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" she says (p. 4), "A genuine Christian Scientist loves Protestant and Catholic, D. D. and M. D.,—loves all who love God, good; and he loves his enemies." Can greater friendliness and compassion be shown than that expressed in "good will toward men," in spiritually reflecting infinite Love and Truth? Immeasurably great would be the healing effect were all mankind to understand and put into practice our Leader's wise admonition.
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December 26, 1936 issue
View Issue-
Building not in Vain
A Changing Order
"A Rule for Motives and Acts"
Watchfulness and Opportunity
"The might and wisdom of God"
"Easy and rapid strides"
I have read with interest the excerpts from a sermon...
Clair D. Robison, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
There was a reference to Christian Science in the Religious Notes...
Miss Maude A. Law, Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
In an article in Esquire occurs a reference to Christian Scientists...
Harold Molter, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
In your recent issue there appears a review of a...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
Honoring the Son
Duncan Sinclair
Man Is Not in Trouble
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Ellis Traub, Emilie Plüss-Stettler, Georgie Lantz Wiebel, Grace Bradley Potter, Charlotte M. Klenert, Martin E. Goldman
Christian Science has helped me in every possible way,...
Rose Emily Henderson
It has been my humble privilege to be a student of...
Amiel H. Broughton
About twenty-two years ago my sister, who had sought...
Marian P. Miller with contributions from Elizabeth J. Birge
I have always considered it a great privilege to testify...
Matilda Bishop King
Twenty years have elapsed since Christian Science was...
Janet Downie Newland
After serving in France and Germany during the World War...
Fred. B. Crumbaugh
Blessings innumerable have come to me since I took up...
Lucy E. Steinart
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frank M. Selover, James Reid, Correspondent