Embracing Opportunities

The student of Christian Science early learns that to put Truth first is wisdom and brings manifold blessings. To acknowledge God in all our ways is to prove that He directs all our paths. Spiritual sense alone governs man. This is true self-government, and ultimates in harmonious, wellordered lives. To have no other aim than to express good is to lift the burden of labor, weariness, and disappointment, and to banish fear.

So often one is persuaded to let an opportunity to receive more of good slip by. Possibly we deprive ourselves of attendance at a church service, a Christian Science lecture, or of the study necessary for our enlightenment. The excuse may be that business, social duties, or home cares make it impossible; but if the desire to learn more of God is great enough the way always opens. "Desire is prayer," writes Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health (p. 1); and the desire to gain more spiritual understanding is a prayer that is always answered.

Fresh opportunities for spiritual growth are constantly forthcoming. With so much fresh literature at hand it is unnecessary to hoard old periodicals, printed lectures, clippings, or quotations. The writer discovered a reprint of a Christian Science lecture given a number of years ago, and, on rereading it, realized that while it had been helpful to her at the time it was delivered, the current lectures were more inspiring in her present need. The habit of hoarding our periodicals may lead to staleness and lack of demonstration in other ways. Our understanding of Science needs constant renewal, and an obedient student accepts each step as it unfolds, neither delaying nor forcing his progress.

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Advertising—An Analogy
August 31, 1935

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