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No Distressed Areas
"O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever." So sings the poet in the one hundred and seventh Psalm. Then, after recounting at considerable length and with many graphic details the manifold trials and troubles through which the people of Israel had passed, over and over again he repeats the comforting refrain, "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses."
In these days, in spite of all that civilization has done in its effort to benefit mankind, troubles and distresses seem to be just as prevalent as they were in the time when the Psalmist wrote these words. Indeed, nowadays, for many people, the times seem more troublous than ever, certain localities being specially designated as "distressed areas," because of the impoverished condition of the inhabitants. Though we are grateful to hear that much is being done to help the sufferers in these unfortunate districts, it is plain that no material means, however well-intentioned and carefully planned, can afford anything more than temporary relief. The troubles being similar to those of which the Psalmist wrote, the remedy also must be the same. Thought must be turned to God in order to gain perfect freedom, and this involves a complete revolution in human consciousness.
In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, the textbook of Christian Science, we find these words (p. 322): "When understanding changes the standpoints of life and intelligence from a material to a spiritual basis, we shall gain the reality of Life, the control of Soul over sense, and we shall perceive Christianity, or Truth, in its divine Principle." This, then, is the mental revolution that is required in order that men may gain control over the discords and disabilities that permeate human existence, a complete change of standpoint from a material to a spiritual basis. For all those who study Christian Science and endeavor to put its teachings into practice, the revolution is going on in consciousness. But so gradual, so gentle, is the process that in most cases the student is not aware of what is going on until, perhaps, some incident occurs which recalls a previous experience and shows how far he has advanced from his former position. There are moments of spiritual illumination which produce an instantaneous change of thought and instantaneous healing, but for most students such experiences are somewhat rare and the process is more gradual. Nonetheless it is inevitable.
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August 31, 1935 issue
View Issue-
No Distressed Areas
The True Concept of Abundance
This Day
Embracing Opportunities
Advertising—An Analogy
The New Commandment
Love, or Fear?
Students, Attention!
All that We Need
In reply to your correspondent "Veritas" I would say it...
Mrs. Dorothy Hoskyn, former Committee on Publication for the South Island, New Zealand,
In your issue of February 28, under the heading "Missionary Society,"...
Roy G. Watson, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
In your issue of October 12 a clergyman criticizes Christian Science,...
John H. P. Berthon, Committee on Publication for Glamorganshire, Wales,
The Well
Awakening to the Goodness of God
Duncan Sinclair
Reputation and Character
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Oella C. Webster, Rudolf Dobermann, Lady Armitage-Smith
I should like to take this opportunity to express my...
Alexander N. Slocum, Jr.
That "man's extremity is God's opportunity" was proved...
Katharine Christine Rathgeber
After more than twenty-two years of testing I have found...
George W. Perry
Thirty-two years ago Christian Science was presented to...
Cora Thomas, Kathryn Irene Larkins
The first words in Mrs. Eddy's book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
William J. Watt
For the past seven years Christian Science has been the...
Gladys I. Hilton
It is with much gratitude that I testify to the healing...
Hannah Mary Maynard
Out of my deep gratitude for the great blessing of Christian Science,...
Bruce Logan Weaver
Signs of the Times
with contributions from George Richmond Grose, Allen Evans, Jr., Elleb Nielk