Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication

Southern California.

In reviewing the work of the year it is gratifying to recall the co-operation that has been extended by editors and publishers. They have been fair and generous to our church. Generally their columns have been closed to misrepresentations of our Leader or our religion, and they have usually printed corrective letters that have been submitted to them. And they have made an outstanding contribution by allotting much space to Christian Science articles of an affirmative nature.

The California Staats-Zeitung, a German newspaper, published a nearly full lecture report in the German language, and La Opinion, a Spanish daily, published a full report in Spanish of a lecture. Christian Science churches of Los Angeles co-operated generously so that a number of copies of the latter paper containing the lecture could be sent to Spanish-speaking countries.

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The Problem of Government
July 27, 1935

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