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In the hope of encouraging someone who is having a...
In the hope of encouraging someone who is having a slow healing, I should like to testify to the healing which our small son had some time ago. It took three years—three years in which I saw my pride humbled and dragged in the dust. The condition was one most undesirable to look upon, and it was most strongly manifested on the child's face and head. Daily I saw people turn away from him, some in pity, many others in disgust or even fear. But through the loyal, steadfast, and loving work of Christian Science practitioners this condition cleared away; and during the time this was going on many other physical and moral healings took place. Also, before this healing was completely manifested, I had the experience of a practically painless childbirth. This was accomplished with the aid of a practitioner and a Christian Science nurse, the doctor called on the case not arriving until everything was over. The little girl born at that time has been a constant joy to us, and is an ever present reminder of God's power in the destruction of human laws and theories. Our son is now a strong, healthy boy, able to take his rightful place in childhood activities, and owes it all directly to Christian Science. To mention all our blessings would be impossible, for Christian Science has blessed our home and our business in countless ways.
I could not close this testimony without a word of thanks to the practitioner to whom I first turned. Her gracious, loving understanding carried me through many dark and hopeless days, and her patience with my fears and tears was indeed "from the Father." For all that Christian Science has done and is doing for us, for the literature, and for membership in The Mother Church I am sincerely grateful.—(Mrs.) Isabella H. Churchill, Detroit, Michigan.
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August 18, 1934 issue
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Our Possessions
"Good will toward men"
"How far that little candle throws his beams!"
Maintaining Our Affirmations
Holding Our Ground
Right Training of Children
The Little Gray Twig that Flowered
There is No Fear in Love
Certain statements regarding the religion of Christian Science...
The Hon. C. Augustus Norwood, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In the last weekly article under "Health Hints," your...
William Birtles, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
While I have no desire to enter into a controversy with...
W. Archibald Wallace, Committee on Publication for the State of West Virginia,
Your issue of April 9 contained a reference to a letter by...
William K. Primrose, Assistant to the District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Charity in Thought and Deed
Duncan Sinclair
God's Law Ever Available
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Joseph Carl Markstein, Harold Thomas Logan, Charles Thomas Hutson, Belle Kant, James Crawley, Mabel M. White
With a deep sense of gratitude I desire to testify to...
Florence May Noble
So great a number of blessings, so many evidences of...
Robert Lewis Fisher
I am indeed grateful for the good that an understanding...
Daisy D. Walker
About four years ago my ten-year-old daughter, who was...
Witold Walicki
My gratitude to Christian Science for all it has done...
Rena S. McDougall
In the hope of encouraging someone who is having a...
Isabella H. Churchill
My heart goes out in gratitude to one who, many years...
Margaret J. Sinclair
As a boy in San Francisco during the earthquake and...
Maxwell T. Edlin
When quite a young girl, I left home because of resentment...
Leanor Michel with contributions from Miriam M. Franken
Signs of the Times
with contributions from S. J. Duncan, James Reid