For thirty-one years I have enjoyed the blessings which...

For thirty-one years I have enjoyed the blessings which come through the sincere study and application of Christian Science. This revelation of the Christ, Truth, lifted me out of chronic stomach trouble and has helped me to overcome many temptations since. Severe injuries received in an automobile accident in 1931, consisting of fractured ribs, broken collarbone, spinal injury, and many bruises, were healed so that I could resume my household work within six weeks. This last healing was considered marvelous by all those who were aware of the conditions to be overcome.

Christian Science has been my only help in all these years, and it has not failed me at any time. My gratitude is unbounded that our beloved Leader has given us this truth, which enables us to realize the ever-presence of God, wherein the errors of personal sense are unknown. Daily I strive more and more to reflect the Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus," so that only good may be expressed in thought and deed and I may be able to relieve suffering of all kinds.

(Mrs.) Amelia Seifert, Dayton, Ohio.

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Testimony of Healing
The study of Christian Science has completely revolutionized...
December 22, 1934

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