During the years spent in my native country I had a great...

During the years spent in my native country I had a great desire to know where to find God, but I did not know where or how to find Him until 1915, when a theatrical engagement brought me to the United States. During the first rehearsal a lady in the company gave me the little book "Unity of Good" by Mrs. Eddy. It was hard work for me to understand the English language, as I am of French descent, but I never gave up the search for Truth, for I was constantly endeavoring to empty my consciousness of error and fill it with the truth. During that time I lost a good position on the stage, and had to start at the bottom and build up my career anew on a firm foundation; and as I have progressed in my understanding of Christian Science, so have I progressed in my profession. I am very grateful for the trials, because each step is a new blessing to me on the road Spiritward.

My heart goes out in gratitude to our beloved Leader for her unselfishness in devoting her life that mankind might be blessed; and I am also grateful for the many healings that I have had, such as those of external and internal hemorrhoids, asthma, high blood pressure, bronchial pneumonia, rheumatism, organic trouble, bad traits of character, smoking, drinking, and unhappiness.

Members of my family have accomplished many beautiful healings by reading the Christian Science textbook; and for the great good thus realized I am profoundly grateful. I am also grateful for the faithful practitioners; for having had the privilege of class instruction from a loyal student of our revered Leader; for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, and for the privilege of serving in the Sunday school; for the authorized Christian Science literature, including that wonderful international daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor.—(Mrs.) Mathilde Caumont Collins, Hollywood, California.

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Testimony of Healing
In 1916 I was in a sad condition mentally and physically
June 3, 1933

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