often we hear expressed by someone the wish that he had taken advantage of some past opportunity, or the bewailing of the fact that there are not the opportunities in the present that existed in the past! To one instructed in Christian Science, however, it is clear that life with all its varied experiences is an ever unfolding, unending series of opportunities for overcoming evil in all its myriad forms, by the demonstration of omnipresent good.
these days, when there is so much evidence of lack, even of daily human necessities, right thinking, as developed and promoted by the study and practice of Christian Science, should be highly productive of good.
refrain from a hymn, "Sing, ye joyous children, sing," brought to the thought of a student of Christian Science a deep sense of the debt of gratitude that we owe to our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for her wise provision of the Christian Science Sunday School.
promise is, "Great peace have they which love thy law,"A peace that stands unmoved as worldly sagas roll;Enduring peace, a faithful, forward-pressing peace,That moves unhurried and unshackled to its goal.
Miss Kathleen O'Connor, Committee on Publication for Somersetshire, England,
May I thank "Observer" for his interesting comments on Christian Science in your last issue, and express appreciation of many beautiful thoughts therein expressed.
[From the Annual Report of work at California State Prison, San Quentin, under direction of Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco, for Churches of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco]
A Few
years ago in a certain large city there was a medical hospital named "Home for Incurables," and most of those who were sent there accepted the doctors' dictum of incurability.
with contributions from Richard J. Davis, Samuel W. Greene, Salem Andrew Hart
For the benefit of those churches and societies which desire to arrange lectures on Christian Science during the summer months, we announce that the following members of The Christian Board of Lectureship are with our approval reserving the coming lecture year for other Christian Science work:
On October 14, 1931, The Christian Science Board of Directors issued a letter to all Christian Science churches and societies describing the plans for financing and erecting the much needed new Publishing House.
Too long have I delayed in giving expression to my heartfelt appreciation for the innumerable blessings and healings that have come to me through the ministry of Christian Science.
When, more than eighteen years ago, I began to read the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, for the benefit of another, it was with a feeling of condescension.
During the two years which followed my first contact with Christian Science I was bitterly antagonistic to it, as I was sincerely convinced that it could produce only the worst possible effects on those who believed in it.
I have much pleasure in testifying to the happiness and benefits that I have received from Christian Science and wish to express my deep gratitude for them.
At the age of eighteen years I sought the aid of Christian Science, after suffering for over three years with a nervous breakdown and the entire loss of my hair.
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