In your columns last week the vicar of St. Paul's, Warwick,...

Warwick Advertiser and Leamington Gazette

In your columns last week the vicar of St. Paul's, Warwick, is credited with saying, "I think that owing to the active work of Christian Scientists it is advisable to write a note of warning." The vicar then proceeds to give an opinion of Christian Science to his parishioners, making use of statements which are the antithesis of the teaching and practice of Christian Science. He is in agreement that "its practice in certain ailments has met with some success," because "it uses faith for the cure," but declares that "as a religion it is absurd." Upon analysis, how illogical is this reasoning! Religion, according to Webster, includes "conformity in faith and life to the precepts inculcated in the Bible." The precepts given by Jesus to his followers are set out in simple language in the Gospels; and by referring to the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, we get an authoritative statement in these words to be found on page 192, "We are not Christian Scientists until we leave all for Christ." There can be no doubt that this definition of a Christian Scientist conforms to the highest ideals of religion ever promulgated.

The belief held by the vicar that Christian Science is dangerous because it prescribes faith in spiritual means alone, in serious organic cases, is due in part to a limited faith in God, "who healeth all thy diseases," and a lack of knowledge of the wonderful cures that are constantly taking place in the practice of Christian Science, including all kinds of organic troubles. Christian Scientists do not condemn medical men, and their method of cure is not merely "to deny that the ailment exists;" but they do claim that materia medica is in no way associated with the divine method of healing taught by Jesus, and established as an essential element of true Christianity.

Christian Science healing results from the realization that sickness and sin have no place in God's infinite plan of perfection, and that the bondage of physical sense and of sin, though apparent to material sense, can be overcome by this spiritual understanding.

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January 23, 1932

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