A woman
was once talking to a sympathetic guest about her own and her friend's experiences of relief from suffering and escape from difficulties when relying on God as the only power, a state of trust made possible by what they had learned whilst studying Christian Science.
a few in these days of business and social revolution are crying out for the solution of problems relating to the maintenance of their business and domestic affairs.
all the visitors who come to Boston at the time of the Annual Meeting, The Mother Church with its loving welcome stands as a symbol of he motherhood of God, "all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle".
one of the several avenues of church work available to members of a Christian Science church, what a glorious privilege of serving the office of usher affords! Here, indeed, is an opportunity to "freely give," to be a genuine host to numerous friends—stranger, visitor, church member.
may I love, that Love shall shine through me;And shining thus, with clear and undimmed ray,Shall reach another's human miseryAnd softly light its unillumined way.
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
With regard to an article on metaphysical healing that appeared in an issue of your paper, please permit me to state on behalf of the Christian Science church that the curative method employed by Christian Scientists is radically different from that used by persons who style themselves "metaphysicians" and "divine healers.
Miss Edith L. Thomson, former Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
In the Evening News of July 1, a telegraphic report of the death of a lady who died from injuries received in a car accident is headed, "Christian Scientist Refused Medical Aid—And Died!" These words misrepresent Christian Science in their implication that death resulted because a definite remedial agency, such as medical aid, was rejected.
thy walls God's light, now clearer grown,Fills every place with radiance and cheer;Though day without may lowering be and drear,Within no reflex of this gloom is shown,For where all space is filled with love aloneNo place is left for boding fear or gloom,And darkness finds no biding place or roomWhere trenchant light its glorious rays have thrown.
The Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society call attention to the fact that the directory of practitioners in The Christian Science Journal is published only for its evidently intended use; but since everybody has access to the names and addresses in this directory, they can be taken for other uses, and have been.
with contributions from Emma Louise Biedenharn, Rosamond R. Washburn, J. Farrar Worth, Spencer E. Hollond, Mayme E. Sarset, Arthur Laing, Georgia McClure
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
I have received so much benefit from reading the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel that I should like publicly to express my thanks for them and gratefully to acknowledge all the benefits I have received through studying Christian Science.
Many years ago Christian Science was offered to our home by a neighbor, and was rejected; but when my mother was given up by the doctors, we turned to it for help.
So many have been the blessings that have come into my experience through the study and application of Christian Science that it would be impossible to cite them all.
Christian Science was definitely brought to my notice about ten years ago by a friend, and through its application I was healed instantaneously of hay fever, from which I had suffered for several summers.
It is with great gratitude that I add my testimony to those of others who, like myself, have been healed of severe illness, both mental and physical, and overcome seemingly insurmountable difficulties through Christian Science.
lives are sweetened with Thy love; our eyesOnce blind, are open—gone our tears and sighs;No longer by the adversary bound,Our doubts dispelled—we walk on holy ground.
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with contributions from Emma Louise Biedenharn, Rosamond R. Washburn, J. Farrar Worth, Spencer E. Hollond, Mayme E. Sarset, Arthur Laing, Georgia McClure