Man's God-given Dominion

How often have men wondered if a way would ever be found out of the troubles of mortal existence, out of the sickness, sin, poverty, and sorrow which beset the human race! How persistent have been the efforts of many of them to find the solution of humanity's problem; or if not the solution, then a way to ameliorate the lot of mortals! Men rebel against the suffering which so often seems to be in evidence—their sense of justice causes them to do so; and time and again there springs up within them the hope that in the end mankind will find itself free.

That mortals in many instances have been able to make their lot and the lot of others less burdensome is true, but disease persists in claiming its heavy toll, sometimes sweeping through their ranks like a scourge; poverty is often widespread; sin is yet rampant; and sorrow sometimes seems overwhelming. Is there a solution? Can humanity be given a hope that there is? Christian Science says that there is a solution, and declares that it must come about through spiritual regeneration—through a change of thought on the part of individuals.

Now, what do mortals believe; what is the basis of most of their thinking? They believe that matter and evil are real. They believe that man lives in a material body, surrounded by material objects; that he is subject to what they call material law; that in consequence he is the victim of disease, and that disease reacts on the so-called human mind producing a sense of inharmony or distress. Mortals believe, also, that evil is real, and that in many ways it afflicts their lives, playing havoc in numerous instances with them.

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"Follow thou me"
July 18, 1931

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