In the "Journal of a Young Daughter" in part 48, May 2...

Leben und Glauben (Life and Faith)

In the "Journal of a Young Daughter" in part 48, May 2 (page 23), Christian Science is mentioned. The daughter writes that she could not grasp it at all. She says: "How can my lungs become healthy again simply by thinking, I will not be sick?" She implies that the essence of this teaching lies in asserting will-power. This implication might lead to much misunderstanding.

The author is quite right in refusing to accept anything as religion except what comes from God; but human will-power is the opposite of the truth which Christian Science teaches. Christian Science recognizes but one will, the will of God, and shows the error of believing in the influence of one human will over another. On the other hand, Christian Science recognizes the omnipotence of the divine will, which is perfect. Jesus said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise." That which heals is not human will, but the will of divine Truth and Love alone.

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