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[Original testimony in German]
After two doctors had told me in September, 1926, that a...
After two doctors had told me in September, 1926, that a bladder trouble from which I had been suffering for two months was incurable, I heard something about Christian Science through some friends, and after a good deal of hesitation was willing to try it. I bought the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and read some of it, but could not understand it. In my extremity I asked a Christian Science practitioner for help, and after the very first treatment was quieter and more hopeful. After several more treatments I was completely healed. I began to look upon things differently, and to meditate on the truth. By studying the textbook and attending the Sunday services and Wednesday evening meetings I recognized that I had found that good in Christian Science which manifests itself in happiness, harmony, and peace.
After this wonderful healing I was privileged to experience many more beautiful proofs of divine Love's power, and should like to give the following testimony. Just before Christmas, 1927, my parrot bit me on the back of the head. I endeavored to prove the truth for myself, but evidently had not sufficient understanding, for the pain and swelling increased. Within a few days my head and the upper part of my body were so swollen that I was hardly recognizable. My wife and all those who saw me wanted to call in a doctor, but I refused, because I knew that God alone is my physician. Very soon I was not able to think at all, and only had strength enough to telephone to a Christian Science practitioner who lived near by and ask her to come to me. She lovingly explained to me the truths of Christian Science, and after a few treatments the false concepts vanished from my consciousness, as I realized somewhat the unreality of matter. The truth operating in me and the practitioner's patient treatment brought about my complete healing in a few days. I felt free and as though born anew.
I am convinced of God's infinite goodness, and in Christian Science have found the true religion which makes us better, and enables us to love God above everything else and our neighbor as ourself. I love and honor Mrs. Eddy for her wonderful teaching, which enables us to understand the great works of our Master, and to follow his example.
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September 21, 1929 issue
View Issue-
"I say unto all, Watch"
The Rod of God
Daily Demonstration
Disease Was Never Real
Harvesting the Fruits of Christian Science
Casting out Fear with Love
In a recent issue of the Jewish Times the writer of "Random...
Conrad Bernhard, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of Maryland,
I would appreciate the courtesy of a brief space in your...
Orwell Bradley Towne, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In your last issue "Ignorans" propounds several what he...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
An article in the Advertiser, under the above title...
Thomas A. Wyles, Committee on Publication for South Australia,
"Thy word is truth"
Albert F. Gilmore
"Newness of life"
Duncan Sinclair
Changeless Health
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Chancellor L. Jenks
For many years I suffered from indifferent health
Clara M. Theron
In August, 1914, when arriving in Zurich, Switzerland, I...
Jenny Miehle with contributions from Eleanor Hoppock Leonard
Christian Science came into our family when I was ten...
Joyce E. Baxter
Before coming into Christian Science I suffered from...
Charles Foerster
I was not attracted to Christian Science for physical healing...
Alta Phillips Eldborg with contributions from Lowell Phillips
Christian Science came to our home twenty years ago in...
Gertrude May Wilson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Horton, John Q. Adams, Helen Keller