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I have know of Christian Science since I was ten years...
I have know of Christian Science since I was ten years old. At that time my brother was very ill with pneumonia. He had always been a semi-invalid, and seeing him restored to sound health through the earnest application of the truth filled my childish heart with reverence and gratitude. That healing was followed by many others in our family, and furnished me with an unshakable faith in the power of God to heal. This faith has often been tested, sometimes severely, but never has this glorious truth failed to bring comfort and relief when correctly applied. Our children have been quickly healed of measles, chicken pox, eczema, hives, stomach disorders, effects of accidents, crossed eyes, hernia, and many other difficulties. I have experienced complete relief from chronic tonsillitis, ivy poisoning, and rheumatism in its severest form. The births of both our children were harmonious, orderly, fearless, and free from complications. I am so happy for the freedom from fear I have in regard to these babies. I do not feel that I must constantly guard and watch them, but know they are in the care of the Father-Mother God and that "underneath are the everlasting arms." Both children attend the Sunday school and know how to work out problems for themselves. They constantly apply their knowledge of Christian Science; and I have listened to their declarations with joy, realizing what Jesus meant when he said of children that "of such is the kingdom of God."
I recently had a beautiful experience. For some time I had been troubled with a disturbed condition of the heart, and a great fear held me in bondage. I thought I knew my life was not dependent on matter in any form, but when these spells came I was terrified lest I should pass on. I could not see why this trouble was not immediately overcome, however, because I thought I was thinking correctly. I finally appealed to a practitioner for help, and was lovingly shown that I was believing I was two separate beings, first, the child of God, who has dominion over the flesh and whom I acknowledged as my real self, and then this mortal who was struggling with a discordant condition and fearing it. I was lovingly shown that God's child is all there is, and there is really no discordant mortal. Mrs. Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 261): "Look away from the body into Truth and Love, the Principle of all happiness, harmony, and immortality. Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts." I had not been "looking away." As soon as I realized this, I became so absorbed in the contemplation of the true creation that I was healed. I shall never forget this lesson.
I add my voice to many others in gratitude for our various church activities and periodicals; for the privilege of class instruction and church work; for our loving practitioner and church officers; and most of all for our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, whose consecration and work have given us the truth about God and man in Christian Science.—(Mrs.) Majella Davis Bede, Ravinia, Illinois.
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September 7, 1929 issue
View Issue-
Emergence from Self
"Saw ye my Saviour?"
Overcoming Solitariness
God's Law Universal
The Sunday School
"Let them alone"
I Thank Thee, Father
In a dispatch appearing in your columns recently, covering...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Your report of a sermon entitled "Through Faith to...
Ernest L. Buchanan, Committee on Publication for Manitoba,
"Why I am not a Christian Scientist," as a recent pulpit...
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for Colorado,
In your issue of March 30 an item appears in the...
Caleb P. Francis, Committee on Publication for Shropshire, England,
A Loving Wish
Soul's Resources
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
Borrowed Intelligence
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Alvin D. Meyer, Elmer Ellsworth Parkins, Alan A. Dick
I have know of Christian Science since I was ten years...
Howard H. Bede
During many years I was in bondage to troublesome...
Georg Golowin
I have been interested in Christian Science for many...
Emma Kimball Hale
After I had tried about all the world had to give in the...
Mary Andrews Sefton
My family and I have experienced many wonderful...
Cornelia M. Weaver
Although many years ago I accepted Christian Science as...
Corinne R. Sparrow
It is three years since Christian Science was brought to...
Edward M. Schwartz
I am very grateful for all that Christian Science has done...
Rosemary L. Willard
After hearing that a dear friend had been healed of...
Jessie Downes
I began studying "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Birdie V. Searls
One of the things I am so grateful for in Christian Science...
Catherine Barkman
Fear Not!
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. Tennant, Rosslyn Mitchell, Stanley High, Richard Roberts