Christian Science, if we are obedient and seek to progress, we put aside every term, every thought, everything that could circumscribe or limit our concept of God, the one creator.
paths by which the seeker after Truth and the sick, the sinning, the sorrowful, enter Christian Science are as varied and numerous as are the individuals who thus seek spiritual satisfaction or surcease from pain.
a wonderful gift to this age is the Christian Science Sunday School! Here childhood and youth gather on Sunday mornings to receive the truth and learn aright of God and His creation.
anything be more satisfying, when we get our first glimpse of the perfect God and His perfect man, than to have our entire family share the vision, and to see all of our loved ones going forward with us! To be able to talk about our new-found treasure, and to feel the sympathetic and tender interest of those with whom we spend most of our waking hours, would be gratifying indeed; but it seldom occurs that way, and after traveling on alone we see that each step has to be one of individual demonstration.
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
In a dispatch appearing in your columns recently, covering proceedings of a Methodist conference in Lufkin, one of the attending bishops is reported as having "assailed modern literature which attacked the humanity of Jesus.
Ernest L. Buchanan, Committee on Publication for Manitoba,
Your report of a sermon entitled "Through Faith to Health," recently delivered by a visiting clergyman in Knox church, contains a reference to Christian Science which may have conveyed a wrong impression; hence space for correction will be appreciated.
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for Colorado,
"Why I am not a Christian Scientist," as a recent pulpit topic in a North Side church, proved to be a strange misapplication of statements about the real, spiritual man to the mortal, physical man, and vice versa.
Caleb P. Francis, Committee on Publication for Shropshire, England,
In your issue of March 30 an item appears in the "Round the Town" columns which might very easily mislead your readers as to the true nature of Christian Science.
everyone wishes to be intelligent and to express the harmony of intelligence at all times; yet it is only too apparent that this is not always the case with mankind.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
During many years I was in bondage to troublesome rheumatic headaches which sometimes assumed such proportions that I had difficulty in performing my daily duties.
I have been interested in Christian Science for many years and feel I should make an acknowledgment of the many blessings and healings that have come to my home.
After I had tried about all the world had to give in the search for happiness and peace, and found neither, Christian Science was offered me by a young woman to whom I had been greatly attracted by what I thought an unusually fine and sweet character, which I later found to be her beautiful reflection of Truth.
My family and I have experienced many wonderful healings through application of the knowledge gained through the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
Although many years ago I accepted Christian Science as the truth, and resorted to it for healing when anything inharmonious seemed to present itself; yet I did not study very seriously except during the time a problem seemed pressing, probably depending too much upon the loving work of a relative who gladly helped me when things seemed to go wrong.
I began studying "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy over ten years ago when I saw a complete and permanent healing of a diseased valve of the heart under the treatment of a practitioner of Christian Science.
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