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Reason and Revelation
In the common thought of mankind that alone is entitled to classification as fact, or truth, which is arrived at through the processes of reason. Especially in the realm of physical science, so called, only that is accepted as true and final which is established through experimentation and reason. Nothing is accepted through faith alone. Only proved results are received into the category of fact. Religionists, on the other hand, have been accustomed to ask that the precepts of religion be accepted largely upon faith. Proof has not always been available.
Reason and demonstration played small part in the religious teachings of the world until the advent of Christian Science. Faith and hope were the chief pillars in the temple of religion until the revelation of the truth about God and man was made—truth which has proved to be largely demonstrable. Now, it is no longer necessary that the teachings of the Founder of Christianity be accepted unquestioningly, that is, merely through faith. With the revelation in Christian Science of the rule and method of scientific Christianity, abundant proof is adduced, proof which is both reasonable and conclusive. In writing of the Scriptural foundation of her discovery and the leadings of the revelation which came to her, Mrs. Eddy states in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 110), "The Scriptures were illumined; reason and revelation were reconciled, and afterwards the truth of Christian Science was demonstrated." For the first time, Christianity was found to be scientific, and the spiritual truths discovered through revelation were found to correspond with both logic and reason. Christianity has taken on a new meaning since this discovery, and in consequence humanity is blessed beyond measure.
Questions naturally arise as to the meaning of this reconciliation, its method and results. How has it benefited humanity? The fundamental revelation of Christian Science is expressed in a single sentence on page 468 of Science and Health, "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all." The deductions from this premise are proved through demonstration. Religion thus passes from the realm of faith alone, or belief, into the category of established truth. Reason joins hand with revelation when revealed truth is found possible of demonstration. From the fundamental thesis stated above has been deduced the whole fabric of Christian Science, the truth about man and his relation to God; the perfection of creation; the unreality of evil; and the Science and art whereby the claims of evil are constantly rendered null and void, destroyed through the scientific application of the Christ, Truth. As a result of the discovery of Christian Science, speculation and unsupported faith are no longer necessary concomitants in religious observance. They are superseded by proof established through demonstration. The reconciliation of reason and revelation is an accomplished fact and religion becomes demonstrable.
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July 13, 1929 issue
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True Humility Requisite
Studying versus Reading the Lesson-Sermons
"Ambassadors for Christ"
Glorifying God in Our Work
If "Onlooker" will only take the trouble to read the testimonies...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
Without respect to particular church affiliation, Christians...
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
A letter under the heading "On Pow-Wowing," appearing...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Will you kindly allow me space in your good paper to...
Miss Maude A. Law, Committee on Publication for Barbados,
The Idealist
Reason and Revelation
Albert F. Gilmore
Upward Wings
Violet Ker Seymer
Spiritual Communion
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Dora McCall, A. Paul Hartwell, George Young
With an earnest desire for a better understanding of the...
Charles R. H. Meyer
The Apostle Paul asks us to "prove all things" and "hold...
Ingeborg Lundh
About eleven years ago I heard of Christian Science and...
Margaret Alice Turner
In the year 1918 I came to Christian Science for physical...
Dora B. MacMullen
With a grateful heart I wish to testify to the wonderful...
Lisetta Fisch-Lanker
With a heart filled with gratitude I want to give an account...
Nettie Esther Samuelson
I have wanted for so long to express my deep gratitude...
Ruth Marjorie Smith
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Willis J. Abbot, Newton E. Moats