It is with a heart full of gratitude for all that Christian Science...

It is with a heart full of gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me that I write this testimony, hoping that it may help someone as other testimonies have helped me.

About ten years ago I was led to Christian Science after a dear one had passed on. When all else failed to comfort, then I learned that divine Love heals not only sin and sickness, but also a sorrowing heart. I was indeed lifted out of the depths. Since then I have had many proofs of God's power to heal. I have been healed of colds and a tendency to take cold, burns, headaches, nercousness, constipation, indigestion, and many other discordant conditions. I have also experienced painless dentistry. All that I am, and all that I have, I owe to Christian Science. It is indeed a priceless gift. I am grateful for the spiritual uplifting, for the better understanding of the Bible, for all of the literature, for membership in The Mother Church and a branch society, for class instruction with a loyal teacher; and for Mary Baker Eddy, our beloved Leader, who was spiritually minded enough to give to the world this beautiful truth, which does indeed make free, when rightly applied.—(Mrs.) Adalia W. Teeple, Wellsburg, West Virginia.

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Testimony of Healing
With a grateful heart I wish to testify to the wonderful...
July 13, 1929

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