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Pupils' Associations
That the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science displayed great wisdom in providing for the needs of those who should accept her teachings as the way to salvation, there is ample proof. So fully did she safeguard the advancing steps of the student that nothing was left undone which could assist the seeker after Truth in finding and keeping the way of spiritual progress. This protection applies no less to the individual student than to groups of Christian Scientists banded together to promote their own growth, and to carry on the activities of the Church of Christ, Scientist. The "Rule for Motives and Acts" (Manual, p. 40), for example, constitutes a complete compendium for right thought and action on the part of the individual. And whoever lives in strict obedience to its provision will advance steadily and surely toward the goal of right desire, emancipation from the bondage of physical sense.
Provision for class instruction and for the relation which should exist between teacher and pupil is no less definite. Mrs. Eddy put this relationship into cogent words on page 83 of the Church Manual: "A teacher shall not assume personal control of, or attempt to dominate his pupils, but he shall hold himself morally obligated to promote their progress in the understanding of divine Principle, not only during the class term but after it, and to watch well that they prove sound in sentiment and practical in Christian Science." Thus succinctly and completely does our Leader set forth the relationship between teacher and pupil. And it is no light obligation which the teacher assumes under these explicit instructions.
To enable the teacher to keep mentally in touch with his pupils and to aid them to maintain sound sentiment toward Christian Science and successfully to carry on its practices, provision was made for an annual meeting of teacher and pupils. The opportunity thus provided may be made of great benefit to students, who anticipate the occasion with joyous expectancy, looking upon attendance at the meeting not as a duty, but rather as a priceless privilege. The feast provided by the teacher constitutes a postgraduate course, as it were, for the progressive thought. It is fair to conclude that class teaching has given new impulse to the students' search for Truth, the result of which has been a marked degree of progress in ability to receive it. Because of this attainment, the student is ready for the unfoldment of the deeper subjects of Christian Science. To the thought spiritually awake new light constantly unfolds, and each revelation is but another preliminary step towards ever holier aspects of the perfect love with which the Father loves His children.
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March 9, 1929 issue
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Entertaining the Truth
The Divine Method of Forgiveness
Love's Care for His Own
Scientific Recognition
The Word of God Heals
Metaphysical Aspect of The Christian Science Monitor
God Our Source of Supply
In a recent issue of the Journal [Portland], in the...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
In the article, "Views and Reviews. American Belief" in...
William K. Primrose, Assistant to the District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the Courier recently under the subject of "The Blessings of Pain,"...
Miss Edith L. Thomson, Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
Recently an evangelist in your city took occasion to criticize...
Judge Herbert L. Standeven, Committee on Publication for the State of Oklahoma,
In a recent issue of your paper appeared an article, credited...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Pupils' Associations
Albert F. Gilmore
"The finger of God"
Violet Ker Seymer
"'Peace, be still!' our Father is at the helm"—Mary Baker Eddy
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Samuel W. Greene, Charles Nelson Hodge
Gratitude for blessings received through the knowledge...
Dougal MacDougall
Christian Science has so many times brought healing to...
Mary Greene Ikenberry
About fourteen years ago I was rather annoyed at my...
Georgia E. Chapin
Five years ago a copy of the Christian Science textbook...
Nellie Hamilton
Christian Science came into my life with its wonderful...
Emily Ruth Summers
Ten years ago, to human sense, I was a nervous and...
Anna Grace Naquin
I am glad to express my gratitude for all the good that...
Elsie R. Sargeant
No experience should be counted too severe if it brings...
Margaret S. Root
I became interested in Christian Science through reading...
James Alfred Cohoon
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frank B. Kellogg, Richard H. McLaughlin, H. Clinton Hay, Chapman, Floyd W. Tomkins