[Written for the Sentinel]

Couldest Thou Not Watch?

HE stood alone,
The Master of us all!
And no one heard
The wistful human call;
His longing for
One understanding heart
Brought no response;
And as he knelt apart,
He turned to God,
To find in Him alone
His need supplied,
The Christ supreme—God's own!

His students slept!
Their human love too small
To comprehend
His yearning—God is All!
Couldest thou not watch?
He questioned them at last—
Not e'en one hour,
Until the struggle passed?
And what reply
Was theirs to give? Regret
And bitter woe!
Ah! How could they forget?

God help us all
To watch for Christ to-day,
To live and love
As Jesus did, always;
To let no harsh
Or cruel deeds appear,
Denying Love,
Which stands divinely near,
Lest we too hear,
When earthly shadows lower:
Couldest thou not watch
With me at least one hour?

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True Witnesses and False
March 24, 1928

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