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Moral Courage
How little thou knewest, O Daniel,
Thou man "greatly beloved,"
In that time so far removed from ours,
How thy undaunted faithfulness
To the God whom thou alone wouldst glorify,
Should shine adown the years,
Bringing courage high to hearts
Torn with terrifying doubts and fears
At error's rampant claim to law and power.
Thou wast not shaken by the king's decree,
Through which base evil sought to cast thee down.
For thou hadst proved when but a child
That God is th' all-sustaining power;
And having spiritual law whereon to lean,
Thou didst not quail before the human counterfeit.
Unwavering trust flooding thy heart with light,
Moment by moment was thy thought held true
To God Himself, unerring and divine;
And so, when error, hate-inflamed,
Had cast thee headlong into the lions' den,
Seeking to destroy that for which thou stood'st,
It found within thy thought no echo to its evil claim;
No anger hot flamed up within thy heart,
But deep-toned confidence that never failed;
Knowledge and purity formed then a strong defense,
Impregnable, secure.
And so thou stood'st, facing the light—Truth infinite—
Serene and calm;
Absent thou wast from body
But present ever with the God of love.
And so the lions, snarling round thy feet,
Found naught on which their carnal sense could feed.
Then, lifted high above the things that seemed,
And filled, thy consciousness, with Spirit's might,
Thou turnedst, facing that motley throng,
So cleaned thy thought from sense of mortal strife
That hate and envy, jealousy and fear,
Shrank back abashed, stilled by pure holiness.
Thy God whom thou hadst served,
Acknowledging no presence but His own,
Was found to be at hand—
An ever present help in time of need.
And so thou couldst speak to the king
In vibrant tones and clear:
O king, forever live!
Seeming in him no power which would destroy,
But only sonship with the Father, God.
And when we, too, have tried to serve
The one great Spirit, God, continually,
And evil, striking at the power of Truth it feels,
Would cast us, too, within the lions' den,
Oh, may we stand as steadfastly as thou,
Though we may seem surrounded, too,
By snarling beasts of sense!
We only need to face the light
Which Truth is ever shedding o'er our path—
The truth that man forever dwells
Beyond the reach of carnal sense,
Secure in Love's embrace.
Oh, may no taint of earth's dark shadows—
Hate, resentment, fear—
Could our clear vision of the Christ!
Then shall our exultant voices ring,
As yours rang long ago,
Triumphant with Love's power:
O king, forever live!
"My God hath sent his angel,
And hath shut the lions' mouths"!
Because innocency was found within the heart:
And even to the human sense, no hurt was done.
So shall we dwell above the raging elements of earth,
Through which evil ever seeks to down the truth—
And prove, as thou didst in the long ago,
That Life is deathless,
And Love ever masters hate.
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 44 .
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November 26, 1927 issue
View Issue-
Moral Courage
The Most Troublesome Patient
"Lord, that I might receive my sight"
The Saving Christ
Following the Leader
In your recent issue an article entitled "Which Way?"...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
The attacks on Christian Science appearing in your recent...
Fred Yould, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
Preaching at Sandgate Wesleyan Church, a minister...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
A writer in your columns, in answer to a question, recently...
Lew C. Church, Committee on Publication for the State of Minnesota,
Recently there has appeared in several newspapers...
Mrs. Emma Ljunglöf, Committee on Publication for Sweden,
For the benefit those of your readers who may not...
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
Man's Eternal Noon
Albert F. Gilmore
God's Sufficient Grace and Care
Ella W. Hoag
Effectual Prayer
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Grace L. Williams, George W. Lounsbery, Ella Juvet, Louise B. Tucker
It is with great thankfulness and deep gratitude for some...
Belle W. Asher with contributions from Durward Asher
A few years ago I was in a very bad way mentally and...
Beatrice Icely Scharenberg
Six years ago I had a nervous breakdown as a result...
Marion Sherman Russ
As a sign of my gratitude for blessings received, I testify...
Ida Köllmann with contributions from Wilhelmine Haarnagel
Several months ago, while playing golf with three friends...
Howard W. Albro
I can never be grateful enough for the wonderful help...
Gladys E. Scown
Seven years ago we decided to try Christian Science for...
Ethel R. Stone
When I was a very small child my grandmother taught...
Mildred M. Davenport
"My Father worketh hitherto"
Signs of the Times
Herbert S. Houston with contributions from Lynn Radcliffe, Ditman Larsen