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Having derived considerable benefit from Christian Science...
Having derived considerable benefit from Christian Science treatment, I think it behooves me to make my case known in justice to the Cause and for the benefit of my fellow-sufferers. Off and on for about three years I was under medical treatment for infirm legs, and I had apparently quite recovered from inflammation of the veins. After a time, however, I again had dropsical legs, and was confined to a couch for about eighteen months. Then my doctor pronounced me incurable and said I was dying. He gave me only a few days to live. A neighbor who heard of my case came to see me and told me about Christian Science and the great benefits she had derived from it. I decided to take treatment, and asked her to get a practitioner to come to see me. After having days' treatment I walked down the street and paid a visit to the lady who had sent the practitioner to me. After having treatment for a few weeks I could walk about anywhere. That was over two years ago, and since then I have been able to walk about as well as could be expected of a man of my age, eighty-two years. My former physician admitted that my healing was marvelous. He thoroughly overhauled me about twelve months ago, and pronounced me then to be a marvel of good health for a man of my years.
I used to be a great sufferer from my heart, and some years ago my medical adviser in another district said it was so bad I might pass on any day. One morning the Christian Science practitioner rang up my daughter and asked how I was. She replied, "He is very well, but had a bad heart attack last night." The practitioner said, "Any hour, day or night, if there is anything wrong with your father ring me up and I will attend to him, but tell him he need not be afraid of his heart; it may never trouble him again." My heart has not troubled me since. One morning I was in a high fever and had a bad attack of bronchitis. My daughter rang up the practitioner, and in an hour or two I was perfectly well; and I have never been troubled in that way again. These two attacks took place prior to the examination made by the physician referred to above. It will therefore be seen that I have every reason to be grateful and thankful to Christian Science and to the practitioner who treated me.
Walterus Brown, Chatswood, New South Wales.
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October 9, 1926 issue
View Issue-
Sunday Schools and Children
Uncovering Error
Laborers in God's Vineyard
In Focus
The Turn in the Road
Who Shall be Greatest?
My attention has been called to an adverse comment on...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
Since "Truth Seeker" has again introduced the subject of...
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
In reply to a letter in your recent issue, we wish to state...
Carrington Hening, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
Your correspondent in a recent issue makes many bitter...
Addington C. Cronk, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
In the "Social and Personal" columns of your recent issue...
Cecil E. Benjamin, Committee on Publication for the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa,
In reply to the points raised by your correspondent,...
Mrs. Mary Blanch Jones, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
A Lively Stone
Divine Dominion
Albert F. Gilmore
Progress in the Understanding of Christian Science
Duncan Sinclair
Demonstrating Love
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Ernest L. Buchanan, Heino Weihe
With deep gratitude for all the blessings I have received...
Katherine M. Hurd
I had been interested in Christian Science for several...
Vera R. Collins
Christian Science found me through the recommendation...
Ruby Atwell Waite
While at a camp in Maine I stepped on a small stone,...
May B. Ballard
One can hardly find words to express one's love and...
Bertha Seelig
About eight years ago I first heard of Christian Science...
Grace Kenville
I wish to express my gratitude for the blessings which...
Elinor S. Jennings
Signs of the Times
with contributions from R. F. Stanton, Carnegie Simpson