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Deriving so much benefit from the grateful expressions...
Deriving so much benefit from the grateful expressions given to us monthly and weekly through our Journal and Sentinel, I feel impelled to add my mite as a very small expression of gratitude for the many great blessings which Christian Science has brought to my family and me, as well as to many whom it has been my privilege to help and cheer along the way. It is impossible for words to convey the joy and gladness I have experienced when I have had to lean absolutely upon God to guide, protect, and direct me.
It was necessary during hours of darkness, when a dear one was suffering, to cling to and know no presence but that of God, good. Many times our Leader's words in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 495) had to be realized: "When the illusion of sickness or sin tempts you, cling steadfastly to God and His idea. Allow nothing but His likeness to abide in your thought. Let neither fear nor doubt overshadow your clear sense and calm trust, that the recognition of life harmonious—as Life eternally is—can destroy any painful sense of, or belief in, that which Life is not." In the dark hours of the night, when peril seemed at hand, the full meaning of these words was all I had; and not once did my Father-Mother God fail me. Suffering was abolished, fear subsided, and peace reigned. I can truly reiterate the words, "Who is so great a God as our God?"
I should like also to tell of a more recent demonstration. A few weeks ago I had to go to a hospital on business, and as I was coming out of the front door, my heel caught in a door mat, throwing me down a long flight of steps. My head was struck with great force, cutting it and my mouth. There were many other bruises, together with two sprained wrists. For a moment I was so stunned I hardly knew where I was; but I was conscious of repeating the word "God." Kindness and gentleness were expressed in every act and attention from the doctor and a nurse. They laid me on a bed immediately, and brought me medicine. I arose from the reclining posture on seeing where I was, and thanked them the best I could, assuring them I did not need the medicine. With a little assistance I got down to the machine, and told my husband we could drive home—notwithstanding his fears. In the thirty-two mile drive I suffered considerably, but was able all the way to do my mental work. I consented to have help from a practitioner whom my husband called after we reached home; and in a little less than two weeks I attended church service and a lecture, with no evidence of being the disfigured object I had appeared a few days before. It is but a faint expression to say I am thankful for all the experiences Christian Science had brought me and mine safely through during the past twenty years.
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June 28, 1924 issue
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Open Letter from the Board of Lectureship
Mary G. Ewing
Salt and Its Savor
"Moulding and chiselling thought"
Value of Christian Science Treatment
"Judge righteous judgment"
Permit me to present to your readers a different version...
James M. Stevens, Committee on Publication for the State of Minnesota,
Mrs. Eddy never visited San Jose, and was never in...
George A. Magney, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
Christian Science shows that all causation is wholly mental...
Edward Warwick Broadbent, Acting Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
An item in a recent issue of Facts quotes the Jewish Sentinel...
Douglas L. Edmonds, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Those who have gained a demonstrable understanding...
William Capell, Committee on Publication for the State of Connecticut,
The Elder Son
Letters from the Field
Elizabeth R. Coles with contributions from Frances Carver, Alison E. Mosier
Divine Intuition
Albert F. Gilmore
"The beauty of holiness"
Ella W. Hoag
"I will fear no evil"
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Ernest S. Stough, Collier Hollan Ellison, Margaret Will Jorgensen, Milton Lloyd Dean, Ethel B. Calhoun, Henry Anderson
During the summer of 1919 I lost the sight of one eye...
Bertha Henrys
I had been ill for two years
Clara Dyer
We read in the gospel of Matthew, "The people which...
George R. T. Richards
I turned to Christian Science almost six years ago, seeking...
Lily M. Willis with contributions from Charles W. Willis
I too wish to express great gratitude for all that Christian Science...
Elizabeth B. Osborn
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science...
Golda A. McAlister
Deriving so much benefit from the grateful expressions...
Elizabeth R. Stabler
I have derived so much good from reading the testimonies...
Velda C. Greene
When I first took up the study of Christian Science, I...
William Rishebarger
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Dorothy Raymond Dunkelberger
About fourteen years ago, a neighbor spoke to me about...
Wilhelmina Donath
Truth, Love, Life
Signs of the Times
with contributions from T. H. DuVernet, William Anderson Philips, James E. Freeman, H. S. R. Innes, Howard McConnell, C. O. Johnson, John Clifford