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Rejoicing in Beauty
Probably no one ever took up the study of Christian Science merely to increase or gain a sense of beauty. But it is impossible to continue this study earnestly, and not constantly grow in the realization and appreciation of all that is good and beautiful. Any student pondering this will pause, and be grateful for the unfolding of the glories of divine Mind; for divine Mind is the source of all real beauty; and as we come into oneness with this Mind, we shall surely be as conscious of ever present beauty as we are of Truth and Love.
When the writer first began the study of Christian Science, she found it difficult to understand the sentence on page 15 of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, which reads, "Christians rejoice in secret beauty and bounty, hidden from the world, but known to God." It not only puzzled, but irritated her; for beauty seemed then to be such an obviously material thing. It seemed to be there for everybody to see. If you were wicked you could see all the beauty there was; and if you were good you could not see any more! And why did Mrs. Eddy say there was "hidden" beauty? Leaving alone for the time, however, this and other statements which confused her, she faithfully studied and grew in spiritual understanding. Not suddenly, but quite gradually, she realized that all things were becoming unusually beautiful to her. There was an exquisiteness to this appreciation that had not been there before. Music was more beautiful; good literature was more thoroughly enjoyed; skies were more brilliant; flowers more fragrant; and life itself sweeter than ever. Praying daily for that Mind to be in us "which was also in Christ Jesus" will not produce narrow, self-righteous views of life, but will open up for us the very glories of heaven.
Wrong thinking is as a heavy veil between us and beauty; but as we grow Christlike in thought, Life will reveal many beauties undreamed of as yet by us, though even now we are gaining some comprehension of that familiar verse in the Bible, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." Did we see, or hear, when seemingly separated from God through many false beliefs, what we now enjoy through even our small spiritual comprehension of Him?
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March 8, 1924 issue
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Peace and Rest through Unity
Rejoicing in Beauty
Eternal Life
The Presence of Mind
What "God hath joined together"
True Mercy
Christian Science does not treat lightly the troubles of...
Willard Joseph Welch, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa, in the
I am glad to state to your readers, in reply to an inquiry...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio, in the
"Let our pulpits do justice to Christian Science,"...
Arthur P. De Camp, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri, in the
An evangelist is quoted in your paper as saying, "Some...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas, in the
Example Better than Precept
Albert F. Gilmore
God's Gifts
Ella W. Hoag
Availability of Spiritual Law
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Amy Weathers, Effie T. Snodgrass, Eliza Pegues Griffing, Count Sigge Cronstedt , Luella Allen Perry, Mary Malcolm, Ethel M. McCandless
We read in Jeremiah, "Ye shall seek me, and find me,...
Susie H. Morse
Nearly four years ago Christian Science literature was...
Howard Middleton
In the spring of 1910 I was severely injured by a fall
Zuleika R. Allen
People wonder sometimes how others become interested...
Mary Jane Doyle
All my life prior to the age of sixteen was spent in a rigid...
Maria A. Worley
Perhaps some one has been scanning these pages who is...
Henry L. Jacobson
For the many blessings which are mine through the...
Flora C. Weil
I have received so many blessings through Christian Science...
Paul Marczinski
The Secret Place
Signs of the Times
with contributions from D. E. Shumake, J. Thacher Sears, Fred W. Morrison