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In the spring of 1910 I was severely injured by a fall
In the spring of 1910 I was severely injured by a fall. As time went on, complications set in; and by September, I was so ill it did not seem possible for me to live much longer. I had been helped many times by Christian Science, but did not have sufficient understanding to lift myself out of the "valley of the shadow of death." Many of the Christian Science teachings had been accepted gladly, but the thought that death would end pain often asserted itself. I however resented the thought that I must leave my dear ones to secure complete release from physical suffering. One day I prayed for guidance; and after earnest consideration, called my husband and requested him to ask a Christian Science practitioner to take the case. The Scientist lovingly consented, and agreed to call the following day.
I had become so morbid that I had lost all interest in what was happening outside my own room. I spent the time either in bed or in a chair a few feet away, to which I dragged myself, refusing to be carried because I detested the role of invalid. The practitioner called the next evening. Instead of the expression of sympathy I had expected, the lady greeted me with the merriest laugh, and remarked, "What are you trying to do—tie yourself up in this room?" I thank God that Scientist had the courage and spirituality to meet the thought of death in that room with the thought of Life and joy. Through her talk that evening, the understanding of Life given me destroyed the fear of death.
In many weeks I had not walked, and the fear that I could not make the effort without intense pain had to be overcome. The practitioner worked faithfully, giving me references in the Holy Bible and in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, one of which I particularly remember—Isaiah 41:10. These thoughts of Truth sustained me, and gave me the strength to combat discouragement. In less than two weeks I made a trip with my husband on a lake freighter, and was able to climb and walk a great deal each day. I was quite lame for a time; but one day in talking with the practitioner I was convinced that God never made a cripple; and my lameness soon disappeared. In the course of time every inharmonious condition vanished, and I was stronger than I ever had been.
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March 8, 1924 issue
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Peace and Rest through Unity
Rejoicing in Beauty
Eternal Life
The Presence of Mind
What "God hath joined together"
True Mercy
Christian Science does not treat lightly the troubles of...
Willard Joseph Welch, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa, in the
I am glad to state to your readers, in reply to an inquiry...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio, in the
"Let our pulpits do justice to Christian Science,"...
Arthur P. De Camp, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri, in the
An evangelist is quoted in your paper as saying, "Some...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas, in the
Example Better than Precept
Albert F. Gilmore
God's Gifts
Ella W. Hoag
Availability of Spiritual Law
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Amy Weathers, Effie T. Snodgrass, Eliza Pegues Griffing, Count Sigge Cronstedt , Luella Allen Perry, Mary Malcolm, Ethel M. McCandless
We read in Jeremiah, "Ye shall seek me, and find me,...
Susie H. Morse
Nearly four years ago Christian Science literature was...
Howard Middleton
In the spring of 1910 I was severely injured by a fall
Zuleika R. Allen
People wonder sometimes how others become interested...
Mary Jane Doyle
All my life prior to the age of sixteen was spent in a rigid...
Maria A. Worley
Perhaps some one has been scanning these pages who is...
Henry L. Jacobson
For the many blessings which are mine through the...
Flora C. Weil
I have received so many blessings through Christian Science...
Paul Marczinski
The Secret Place
Signs of the Times
with contributions from D. E. Shumake, J. Thacher Sears, Fred W. Morrison