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[Original testimony in German]
Gratitude impels me to tell in this testimony of the...
Gratitude impels me to tell in this testimony of the great blessings which I have received through Christian Science. After nine weeks of severe lung trouble I was, in April, 1920, taken into a home for incurables in Zurich. The head doctor, as well as a specialist whom we consulted, considered my case hopeless, their verdict being that I had extremely severe tuberculosis of both lungs. To this was added a serious affection of the larynx.
I had been in this condition about two months when, like a saving angel from above, the teaching of Christian Science was presented to me. A friend of mine found it easy to get my mother interested in Christian Science, for many were the bitter tears she had shed for her sick son. At first I absolutely refused to have anything to do with it; for in the first place I was ignorantly and unjustly prejudiced against Christian Science, and in the second place I never suspected how dangerously ill the doctors considered me. Gradually, however, I began to read Der Herold der Christian Science, which had been given me; and the wonderful testimonies of healing especially made a deep impression upon me. I consented to have treatment from a Christian Science practitioner, and began to read the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I improved from that very hour. The fever abated, the perspiration at night stopped, and every day I felt better. My progress was so rapid that the doctors were very much surprised, for they were ignorant of the cause of the healing. One of them, the specialist previously mentioned, declared my recovery to be a great miracle.
I was now quite well again, but without work; for through my long illness I had lost my position. From the material point of view it was difficult for me to find a position, for in the spring of 1921 the general unemployment caused by unfavorable economic conditions began to make itself felt. But in this instance, also, I relied absolutely on divine Love, and soon found a good position.
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December 29, 1923 issue
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The Joy of Recovery
The Chosen People
"Count not time by years"
The Father's Business is to do Good
A Lesson from the Birds
Christian Science urges the return to primitive Christianity
Miss Olive Austin, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
The Christian Scientist's aim is to do good, to destroy sin,...
Peter B. Biggins, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
It is obvious, and experience has shown, that an unjust...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
The following statement is made by Mary Baker Eddy...
Miss Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
The distinction which Christian Science draws between...
Mrs. Gudrun G. Jensen, Committee on Publication for Norway,
The use of the word "science" in connection with the...
Fred B. Kerrick, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
Christian Science is in every way opposed to the use of...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
True Solitude
All Things New
Albert F. Gilmore
Branch Church Membership
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Helene Jansen, Mary Holton, Harriet S. Rutter, William D. Gerbrich, William Leon Callaway, Leora Stewart, Harvey E. Ployer, William W. Bradshaw
About fifteen years ago my wife was prostrated upon a...
Henry J. Miller with contributions from Ella W. Miller
It is now twenty-three years since I first heard of Christian Science
Ellen M. D. Reilly
In August, 1917, I turned to Christian Science, not knowing...
H. Loraine Bekkelund
About three years ago I became interested in Christian Science...
Edith M. Sloneker
Seven years ago I first heard of Christian Science through...
Clara Silverthorne
Having experienced the benefits of Christian Science...
Harry J. Poole
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Coolidge, Ada Louise Comstock, C. E. Miller, Hughson