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Branch Church Membership
Probably there are few, if any, Christian Scientists who unite with a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, who do not approach such membership with great expectation of good to be gained therefrom. They have been healed of disease through the gentle ministration of Christian Science; they have seen discord dissolved into its native nothingness; they have had a sense of lack replaced by an evidence of God's plenty; in various ways they have had proof that this new-old truth stands for all that is harmonious and right, for all that is true and loving. They therefore desire to unite themselves with the church which stands for such exemplification of the healing power of the Christ.
From all this they may have concluded that henceforth their lives and their experiences—especially so far as association with those of like faith is concerned—will never express anything but that which is heavenly in nature and activity. Perhaps they have come to believe that the uniting with a Christian Science church will be the beginning of a blissful experience wherein they will walk forward with the other members in complete agreement on all questions. Indeed, they would probably cry out in amazement were any one to suggest that any sense of disagreement can occur among a body of Christian Scientists.
What they have read and heard and felt of this wonderful Science has convinced them that since there is but one Mind and all its ideas are governed thereby, the logical conclusion must follow that there could be no room for disagreement. They are so sure that this perfect unity is already understood by them and by other Christian Scientists that they may even approach the first business meeting which it is their privilege to attend, with the fixed belief that if an election is to occur, the first ballot must of necessity elect unanimously those who are to be chosen to office; for, say they, would not any other result deny the truth of Christian Science?
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December 29, 1923 issue
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The Joy of Recovery
The Chosen People
"Count not time by years"
The Father's Business is to do Good
A Lesson from the Birds
Christian Science urges the return to primitive Christianity
Miss Olive Austin, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
The Christian Scientist's aim is to do good, to destroy sin,...
Peter B. Biggins, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
It is obvious, and experience has shown, that an unjust...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
The following statement is made by Mary Baker Eddy...
Miss Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
The distinction which Christian Science draws between...
Mrs. Gudrun G. Jensen, Committee on Publication for Norway,
The use of the word "science" in connection with the...
Fred B. Kerrick, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
Christian Science is in every way opposed to the use of...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
True Solitude
All Things New
Albert F. Gilmore
Branch Church Membership
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Helene Jansen, Mary Holton, Harriet S. Rutter, William D. Gerbrich, William Leon Callaway, Leora Stewart, Harvey E. Ployer, William W. Bradshaw
About fifteen years ago my wife was prostrated upon a...
Henry J. Miller with contributions from Ella W. Miller
It is now twenty-three years since I first heard of Christian Science
Ellen M. D. Reilly
In August, 1917, I turned to Christian Science, not knowing...
H. Loraine Bekkelund
About three years ago I became interested in Christian Science...
Edith M. Sloneker
Seven years ago I first heard of Christian Science through...
Clara Silverthorne
Having experienced the benefits of Christian Science...
Harry J. Poole
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Coolidge, Ada Louise Comstock, C. E. Miller, Hughson