Thanksgiving Proclamation

In the beginning of our country, the custom was established by the devout fathers of observing annually a day of thanksgiving for the bounties and protection which divine Providence had extended throughout the year. It has come to be perhaps the most characteristic of our national observances, and, as the season approaches for its annual recurrence, it is fitting formally to direct attention to this ancient institution of our people and to call upon them again to unite in its appropriate celebration.

The year which now approaches its end has been marked, in the experience of our Nation, by a complexity of trials and triumphs, of difficulties and of achievements, which we must regard as our inevitable portion in such an epoch as that through which all mankind is moving. As we survey the experience of the passing twelvemonth we shall find that our estate presents very much to justify a nation-wide and most sincere testimony of gratitude for the bounty which has been bestowed upon us.

Though we have lived in the shadow of the hard consequences of great conflict, our country has been at peace and has been able to contribute toward the maintenance and perpetuation of peace in the world. We have seen the race of mankind make gratifying progress on the way to permanent peace, toward order and restored confidence in its high destiny.

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On Having All Things Common
November 1, 1922

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