the thirty-second chapter of Isaiah we have presented to us by a number of different figures the changes wrought in human consciousness when the Spirit is "poured upon us from on high.
Jesus told his disciples to "beware of the leaven of the Pharisees," he was warning them against one of the most subtle temptations which beset mortal existence; namely, the temptation to seem true rather than to be true.
I had occasion to look up the definition of "eyes" and "ears" in the Glossary of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," where Mrs.
Margaret M. Ramsay, Committee on Publication for the Province of Quebec, Canada,
The Christian Scientist is considered a very safe member of the community in which he resides, respected by his neighbors, and has the good opinion of the business world; and this is acknowledged to be the result of the religion of Christian Science.
William C. Brookes, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
Christian Science practitioners undertake to base their lives on Jesus' command in the Sermon on the Mount, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
at one time, in referring to "the joyful flourishing of Christ's kingdom," encouraged his hearers to "be strong, fear not," and then went on to say: "Your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.
Christian Scientist who has learned in some degree to demonstrate the truth which Christian Science teaches, that the power of God is ever available to deliver mankind from the false beliefs of sin and disease, is endeavoring to consecrate his life more and more to the service of the Cause with which he is associated.
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts, announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by Paul Stark Seeley, a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, in the church edifice, Norway, Falmouth, and St.
During the fall of 1908, I was considered to be suffering from a very serious mental and physical condition, and was then under the care of a physician.
About two years ago, I suffered greatly from a very severe form of eye inflammation, conjunctivitis, as it was stated to be by an eye specialist whom I had consulted.
With a heart full of gratitude for my restoration to health and to my family, I wish to offer my experience, with a hope that it may help some other needy one to come to Christian Science for help.
I have been interested in Christian Science for four years; and within the past two and one half years I have had the privilege of becoming a member of The Mother Church and of our local branch church.
The contract for the publication and sale of the Works of Mary Baker Eddy, entered into between the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy and The Christian Science Publishing Society in October, 1917, was rescinded by mutual agreement on June 15, 1922.
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