declared the eternal truth concerning man when he wrote to the Romans, "Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God.
the close of a day that had gone sadly awry, a student of Christian Science was impelled to seek earnestly for the cause of her seeming confusion.
the present moment when the question of service is engaging the thought of the whole world, a small incident which occurred to a student of Christian Science in this connection may be helpful.
lover of good has been cheered and comforted by the great victory for truth and righteousness expressed in our nation's recent decision for the prohibition of the liquor traffic.
times reference has been made in our periodicals to the scientific use of words in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and the advantage of familiarizing ourselves with their exact meaning in order better to understand the statements made therein.
promise, "Seek, and ye shall find," stands out as a beacon light to every Christian Scientist, assuring him that in the degree of his honest searching for the truth he will find divine Love meeting his every need.
When clergymen launch an attack against Christian Science, as stated in the report of a conference, it is a recognition of the growth and success of Christian Science, which otherwise would receive no such attention from these gentlemen.
Judging from a statement reported in a recent issue as having been made by Doctor—in one of his lectures, one would be led to think that he knows very little of the teachings of Christian Science.
The kindly attitude of a former clergyman of your city toward Christian Science, as evidenced by his remarks in a recent sermon and quoted in a late issue from a Cleveland newspaper, is appreciated by Christian Scientists.
who was healed through the ministry of Christian Science at once connected her experience with divine Principle, declaring: "To me the most convincing proof that the healing came from God, was that I knew I was loving good.
psalmist had a clear understanding of what true sacrifice meant when he wrote: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
with contributions from William Kenyon, Carrie H. Bramkamp, Paul Stark Seeley, Agnes M. Collins, William H. Klieman, Roy L. Reichert, A. Hervey Bathurst, Alice M. Tingey, William R. Dewhurst, David J. Klyce, J. E. McDonald
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
Six years ago I was led into Christian Science after having spent many years dragging my weary footsteps through the quicksands of alcoholism and the mires of sensualism.
A song of gratitude has been rising in my heart these past years for what Christian Science has done for me and mine, and I wish to tell of some of the ways in which I have been blessed.
I wish to express my gratitude to Christian Science for freedom from suffering when my twin boys were born, in May, 1913, and also for the healing of a condition that was manifested about twenty-four hours later.
A few years ago I was led to Christian Science by a friend who had been benefited, and I was healed of floating kidney after having been told by several physicians that an operation was the only means of relief.
Through the great love and patience manifested by my mother in a sincere effort to live the life of a Christian Scientist, I was attracted to her religion.
About five years ago, while suffering from a nervous breakdown, I was asked by a friend to attend a Wednesday evening meeting at the Christian Science church.
I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing, but since taking up the study of it have found that I was sick, not physically, but mentally, and I am being healed every day of some false belief.
Marie Nielsen
with contributions from Vaneta B. Nielsen
As one who has derived untold benefits from the study of Science and Health in connection with the Bible, I take this opportunity of telling others what it has done of me.
Available articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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with contributions from William Kenyon, Carrie H. Bramkamp, Paul Stark Seeley, Agnes M. Collins, William H. Klieman, Roy L. Reichert, A. Hervey Bathurst, Alice M. Tingey, William R. Dewhurst, David J. Klyce, J. E. McDonald