I wish to relate a healing which occurred about three...

I wish to relate a healing which occurred about three years ago, during the winter season. A cold settled in my system and later a lump formed in my left side in the region of the pleura. I could not account for this and spoke of it to a friend who explained that it was due to an abscess, and that under medical treatment such cases nearly always prove fatal. Not long after this the growth seemed to break and disappear, but my body became stiff and fear crept in. I however applied the truth to the best of my understanding and in a few days was fully recovered.

For this healing and many others that have come to me and mine I am sincerely grateful. I have been interested in Christian Science eleven years and with little aid from practitioners have been able to overcome the various ills that seem to beset humanity. My son is eleven years old and has had nothing but Christian Science treatment. Every ailment which children of his age seem subject to has been overcome through the power of Truth. I am most grateful for all the blessings that we have received, but most of all for the spiritual understanding that is gained in Christian Science. I wish to express my thankfulness to God and my gratitude to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bolus, Detroit, Mich.

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Testimony of Healing
With love to God and gratitude to Mrs. Eddy I send this...
January 19, 1918

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