Material from the New York subway excavations may be utilized in the construction of artificial fishing banks a few miles off the coast of Long Island, between Rockaway Point and Far Rockaway.
is a term used by mortals to express their sense of something to be overcome in experiencing the good they are seeking; but so long as good is conceived of in thought as being material, this sense of resistance is inevitable, for our thought of matter involves the time element at every step.
in Christian Science Sunday schools are taught to love and obey the commandments, because every one feels that an obedient child will become a worthy man or woman.
two years ago a meeting was held in one of the local branch Christian Science churches of a western city for the purpose of bringing out greater activity in the distribution of Christian Science literature.
day as the writer was quietly trying to work out in Christian Science a seemingly difficult problem, her gaze was lifted to a picture of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane; but instead of the beautiful and inspiring subject, there stared back at her the reflection of her own face in the glass which covered the picture.
and only One, existingIn eternal harmony,Grant us grace and strength in liftingFainting hearts and hands to Thee;Catching truer, clearer glimpsesOf Thy pure reality.
In the year 1898, following the formal declaration of war between the United States and Spain, the Daily Chronicle published a poem entitled "Greeting from England.
The Express published a letter in which the following statement appeared: "I referred to the so-called Christian Science, which denies that Christ saves any one and reduces his claims to mere ridicule.
While Christian Science most emphatically teaches obedience to the Master's explicit command to heal the sick, voiced in the gospels, it does not omit the injunction regarding baptism, as was inferentially stated recently by a prominent clergyman in your city.
There are certain respects in which the teachings of Christian Science differ from those of other Christian denominations of the present day, but the most marked difference is in the practice of Christian healing, and in that respect Christian Science follows closely the practice of the followers of Jesus for nearly three centuries.
The evangelist whose sermon is reported in the Fresno Republican is quite right in his assertion that healing the sick is not all there is to Christian Science practice.
In common with all Christian churches the great Methodist church founded by John Wesley and the Christian Science church founded by Mary Baker Eddy hold to the omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience of God.
men have held the right of self-government to be more precious than the possession of the sense of life itself, has been recorded in all ages, but not from the time of Jesus until Mrs.
in the study of Christian Science often ask if they cannot have definite rules given them for working out the problems which they meet in their daily experience.
Many times seemingly difficult problems have been entirely solved for me through reading some article in the Sentinel or Journal, and I feel that each number I read leaves my thought higher than before.
Words cannot express my thankfulness to God for Christian Science, and my earnest desire in giving this testimony is to help others to seek and find the healing, as I have done.
In the spring of 1915 I suffered incessantly for ten weeks from an illness said to be due to stoppage of the gall duct, for which an operation was recommended, though I determined not to submit to it.
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