The Lectures

Roswell, N. Mex. (First Church).—Prof. Hermann S. Hering, lecture; introduced by James M. Hervey, who said in part:—

We find among the many sayings of the Saviour that to know God is life eternal, and also that man lives not by bread alone, typifying material conditions, but "by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." This is the Scriptural way of stating that man is not the sport of material circumstances; and that, as Mrs. Eddy says, "man, created by God, was given dominion over the whole earth" (Science and Health, p. 545).

We have progressed a long way during the last few years in arriving at the conclusion that for some reason or other we are not exercising this dominion; we have not realized it. We are conscious universally that we do not possess the power that the Saviour possessed, or that the disciples possessed, or that was exercised for several hundred years after the ascension; that is, we have become conscious of a sense of separation from this power. In Luke's gospel we read of the prodigal son who returned to his father, and Christian Science teaches us how we may regain this lost power, how we may return to the source of life,—to our Father. Now, this would appear to be a matter of great interest, as the Saviour said that to know God is life eternal, therefore any religious movement which undertakes to teach us to know God, that is, achieve life eternal, is very important; it deserves close study and scrutiny. Christian Science is a practical, demonstrable religion.

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February 24, 1917

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