Your correspondent's statements seem to imply that a...

The Northern Whig,

Your correspondent's statements seem to imply that a Christian Scientist should be infallible. It is kind of him to esteem Scientists so highly. However, the Christian Scientist does not claim to do more or better work than did Jesus' early disciples, and your correspondent will recall how, as recorded in three of the gospels, these disciples on one occasion failed to heal a child. As I indicated in a previous letter, your correspondent's charge of failure is not against Christian Scientists, it is against humanity itself, for there is surely none of your readers but has at some time, perhaps many times, failed to receive something hoped for and paid for, although from the nature of things it could not be positively promised. The ranks of Christian Scientists contain innumerable persons who, after vain and expensive search for health in other directions, have at last found it in the healing truth as revealed in Christian Science. One of the Master's most imperative commands was, "Heal the sick."

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