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Eleven years ago I was a physical wreck
Eleven years ago I was a physical wreck. I was sent to the Southwest, a victim of Bright's disease with no hope of recovery. A heavy bandage was worn around my waist all the time, and I never ventured outdoors in rainy, cold, or even chilly weather. Six months after arriving in the Southwest I had twenty-four chills inside of thirty days, and the last of these I thought would be my last, and it was; but in a far different way than I supposed, for Christian Science was brought to my notice by my landlady, who said that if it did not do me any good, it could do me no harm. A practitioner was called and with one treatment I was healed. That was over eleven years ago, and no symptom of the disease has appeared since. For one so young I had acquired an unusual taste for liquor and tobacco, which seemed to annul the pain. Nearly two months after the above healing, while diligently studying the Bible together with "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, the tobacco habit left me completely overnight, and in nine days the liquor habit followed the same course.
Two months later, while I was working one night in a railroad yard, one of my fingers was caught in a train of gears operated by a one horse power motor and smashed up to the second joint. The injury was so serious that my assistants suggested amputation, but my faith in the power of Truth held me steadfast, and in ten days, through reading and knowing the truth, the finger was completely restored. Only the slightest scar remains. Thus in less than six months I had had the proof of the healing of so-called incurable disease and supposedly incurable habits, also of mental surgery. Could one ask for more?
During this period my family and some friends brought pressure on me to return to the religion of my forefathers, until finally, six months after my first healing, I went home for a four days' visit. When I was leaving for the West again, my dear mother in bidding me good-by said that she did not know what had made this change in my life, but if Christian Science had done it, to stick to it, as it was the greatest thing in the world for me. Never since have I doubted the efficacy of divine Love in the overcoming of all discordant conditions.
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December 23, 1916 issue
View Issue-
Jesus' Practical Example
Spiritual Law and Growth
Sublimity of Truth
What Is a Christian Scientist?
Problems Big and Little
"Life's burdens light"
Many of your readers have been listening to the futile...
Thorwald Siegfried
A letter from a critic, in which she states a few of the...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Our critic, after accepting without reservation all that a...
John D. Sherwood
It seems difficult to comprehend how a Christian minister...
Henry A. Teasdel
His Friend
The True Christmas
Archibald McLellan
Mother and Child
William D. McCrackan
True Observance
Annie M. Knott
An Announcement
The Lectures
with contributions from Merle J. Rogers, Arthur W. Marriott, Warren C. Klein, Z. R. Moorman's
I feel it both a duty and a privilege to add my testimony...
Marie H. Frohman
Seven years ago Christian Science found me on crutches...
Henry S. Williams
With the earnest desire to help others who may be unable...
Edward H. Roos
Christian Science was first presented to me over three...
Amella Butcher with contributions from Ada P. Hoadley
My thankfulness goes out to God, the giver of all good....
May Philson with contributions from Marguerite Goodsell
Eleven years ago I was a physical wreck
John M. Walshe
For over nine years Christian Science has been my only...
Harriet M. Fechner
For the many blessings that have come to me through...
Corine Nye with contributions from Clinton Burgess
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles Gore, J. D. Jones