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Problems Big and Little
All too frequently we hear the argument put forward that certain forms of disease are more difficult to overcome, and that it requires a longer period of time and a greater understanding of Principle to overcome them, than those which seem to mortal sense to be minor ailments. Sometimes, at the beginning of the struggle to reach mental and physical freedom through Christian Science, the weary heart loses sight for the time being of the one Principle, and turns from proffered encouragement or the story of some wonderful healing with the impatient cry (in the case of a physical ill). "Yes, but my condition is so much more serious;" or, in the case of mental or moral discord, "Yes, but he did not have so much to meet, so much to contend with, as I have."
What a stride forward would be taken if all who are thus tempted to listen to error's lying testimony would read and follow to its logical conclusion the statement made by Mrs. Eddy on page 97 of Science and Health, where she says: "In reality, the more closely error simulates truth and so-called matter resembles its essence, mortal mind, the more impotent error becomes as a belief. . . . The more destructive matter becomes, the more its nothingness will appear, until matter reaches its mortal zenith in illusion and forever disappears. . . . The more material the belief, the more obvious its error, until divine Spirit, supreme in its domain, dominates all matter, and man is found in the likeness of Spirit, his original being."
What a flood of light is turned upon the darkness of fear and doubt by this illuminating statement. To those of us who have felt the healing touch of divine Truth, and who by following its teachings have been able to overcome even one seemingly small manifestation of discord, it should not be difficult to bring the above statement into practical daily application to all our problems. And then what becomes of that cry of discouragement over the trouble which seemingly is more serious than the one over which our neighbor has successfully demonstrated?
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December 23, 1916 issue
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Jesus' Practical Example
Spiritual Law and Growth
Sublimity of Truth
What Is a Christian Scientist?
Problems Big and Little
"Life's burdens light"
Many of your readers have been listening to the futile...
Thorwald Siegfried
A letter from a critic, in which she states a few of the...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Our critic, after accepting without reservation all that a...
John D. Sherwood
It seems difficult to comprehend how a Christian minister...
Henry A. Teasdel
His Friend
The True Christmas
Archibald McLellan
Mother and Child
William D. McCrackan
True Observance
Annie M. Knott
An Announcement
The Lectures
with contributions from Merle J. Rogers, Arthur W. Marriott, Warren C. Klein, Z. R. Moorman's
I feel it both a duty and a privilege to add my testimony...
Marie H. Frohman
Seven years ago Christian Science found me on crutches...
Henry S. Williams
With the earnest desire to help others who may be unable...
Edward H. Roos
Christian Science was first presented to me over three...
Amella Butcher with contributions from Ada P. Hoadley
My thankfulness goes out to God, the giver of all good....
May Philson with contributions from Marguerite Goodsell
Eleven years ago I was a physical wreck
John M. Walshe
For over nine years Christian Science has been my only...
Harriet M. Fechner
For the many blessings that have come to me through...
Corine Nye with contributions from Clinton Burgess
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles Gore, J. D. Jones