Special Announcements

The Christian Science Text-Book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." — For styles of bindings and prices see back cover of this periodical.

Attention is called to the change in price (see also last cover page) on single copies of the following volumes of Mrs. Eddy's writings when sent by mail postpaid from the office of the publisher, Allison V. Stewart, Falmouth and St. Paul Streets, Boston, Massachusetts:

Science and Health (cloth) from $3.18 to $3.00; Retrospection and Introspection (cloth) from $1.06 to $1.00; Unity of Good (cloth) from 65 cents to 60 cents; Pulpit and Press (cloth) from $1.06 to $1.00; Rudimental Divine Science (cloth) from 55 cents to 50 cents; No and Yes (cloth) from 60 cents to 55 cents; Messages to The Mother Church (cloth) from $1.56 to $1.50; Christian Science vs. Pantheism (pebbled cloth) from 26 cents to 25 cents; Message to The Mother Church, June, 1900 (paper), from 26 cents to 25 cents; Christian Healing and The People's Idea of God (cloth) from 60 cents to 55 cents; Christian Healing (paper) from 21 cents to 20 cents. The People's Idea of God (paper) from 21 cents to 20 cents.

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September 18, 1915

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