From Our Exchanges

[The Watchman-Examiner]

The realism of life in the face of the great conflict has banished all relish for speculative reasoning, and trust in God and in His Son and in His Word are the dominating facts in religious thought and life.

It is only in the United States, which is as yet comparatively little affected by the great world war, that the remnants of the age of doubt still linger. Not yet have we felt this world disaster at its full force. But as the deluge swept the corrupt race of men from the earth, so this war is purging the earth of the doubt of the Word of God which [doubt] has been eating like a cancer into the vitals of modern Christianity. In times of ease and safety, men come to rely on their own powers, but in times of trouble they turn to God, because they realize that He alone can save. This lesson the world is learning today. Reliance on human wisdom is destroyed. Trust in God is our only refuge.

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Special Announcements
September 18, 1915

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