Our critic again takes occasion gratuitously to attack and...

Clinton (Iowa) Herald

Our critic again takes occasion gratuitously to attack and misrepresent the teaching of Christian Science. Christian Scientists are not worshipers of Mrs. Eddy, but of the one living and true God. They respect and esteem Mrs. Eddy for her wonderful gift to humanity in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." It was, however, her constant effort to turn thought away from her personality to the living Principle which her writings reveal.

The Christian Science church has been established in each and every community on the basis of actual results in the overcoming of sin and sickness and in the betterment of all conditions among those who have embraced its teachings. That it differs from orthodox theology in many respects is true, and, from the standpoint of Christian Scientists, therein is its value. It does not, however, differ from any of the fundamentals of Christianity as taught by Christ Jesus and his disciples. It recognizes God as the one infinite creator, Christ as the divine idea of God, and man as God's image and likeness, as the Bible affirms, and it emphasizes the absolute necessity for righteousness.

The critic's statement to the effect that Christian Scientists say there is no resurrection is simply part of his general misconception of the subject. The resurrection is referred to twenty-two times in Science and Health, and on page 317 we read as follows: "Our Lord and Master presented himself to his disciples after his resurrection from the grave, as the self-same Jesus whom they had loved before the tragedy on Calvary." This is a very positive and definite statement as to the Christian Science attitude in this respect.

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December 11, 1915

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