The site of the Pacific terminal of the Panama canal at Balboa, including the dry docks, shop facilities, wharves, and the one new commercial pier authorized at present, begins with the sea end and extends about one mile in a southwest to northeast direction.
the threshold of Christian Science, when the glad tidings of possible release from the bondage of sense, with its fetters of sin, disease, worry, personal antagonism, and limitation, first dawn on the consciousness of the student of this teaching, and he earnestly begins the study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," he finds himself so engrossed in the contemplation of good as the only reality, that he feels considerable unwillingness to handle error in any of its numerous phases.
has been well said that spiritual growth is realized in keeping with the advance of our ideal, purified consciousness always bringing refinement of experience; that the higher the concept, the nobler the life.
people of one of the world's greatest nations have set apart one of the days in the year as sacred, for the annual celebration of their political freedom; but there is now sweeping over the earth a great religious movement, stirring the hearts of mankind to the recognition of the universal and eternal Independence day, in which God said, "Let there be light.
years before I was fully awakened to the truth taught in Christian Science, a friend told me how she prepared hyacinth bulbs to bloom in the house during the winter.
the beauty of the day and the reign of peace and harmony were holding me in thrall recently, an occasion was afforded me for gaining a beautiful lesson in obedience.
An agreement has been reached between the Christian Science church and the state board of registration in medicine on the provisions of law in Massachusetts relative to the practice of Christian Science in the treatment of the sick.
Why the orthodox church is losing ground, may be explained by the fact that even church-members could not find in it the spiritual help they craved, because of the absence of an essential which they found in Christian Science.
Considerable publicity has been given to a lecture by a minister of your city on the topic, "Why I am a Christian and not a Christian Scientist," in which he assailed the religious views of many of his fellow citizens.
The Vicar of Marton seems disposed to quarrel with his friends and neighbors, the local Christian Science practitioners, over the question of visiting the sick.
is no quest which so holds the interest of all humanity as that which promises to reveal man's immortality, or even continued existence after the change called death.
It was not physical illness alone which led me to Christian Science, but a mental hunger for something I did not find in the church I had attended from my youth.
Many are the blessings that have come to me through Christian Science, and now I realize the meaning of the statement, "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
from Love a desert is, despair,With naught to kindle hope, no lasting peace;Joy bides there not, for sorrow there hath lease:A waste of weariness, and want, and care!But in Love's presence all is sweet and fair,—The joys of Spirit never know decrease;And thus all claims of error quickly cease,For Truth omnipotent reigns ever there!
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