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True Service
"When I first began to study Christian Science," one said recently, "I tried to use it to reclaim that part of the city in which my work appeared to lie, and I did not succeed. Afterward, when I had gained a better understanding, I was willing to let Christian Science use me, and I found my right vocation." It is probable that most of us have made this discouraging effort to limit Christian Science to our individual problems. We have thought, perhaps, that we could help ourselves to just as much of it as we wanted and let the rest go; or we have been willing to accept all that our understanding made possible, but desired to put the new wine of spiritual power into the old bottles of human contrivance, and in both cases the result has been unsatisfactory. Or, again, we may have welcomed the benefits which some knowledge of the healing truth brought to us, but have not been willing to take our stand wholly and openly on the side of Truth. This latter is a fraudulent thought which would seek to deprive the kingdom of heaven of laborers, and which Jesus characterized as "thieves and robbers." In each instance the attempt is made to climb up "some other way."
The Master pointed out but one way, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." The cross, now as then, means complete identification with the cause of Truth. It means merging every personal interest in the one absorbing interest of bringing in the kingdom of heaven. And when the path seems rugged, let us always remember that it is smooth as compared with the earthly road which Jesus trod. "Ye have not yet resisted unto blood," wrote Paul; and this the Master did.
In every walk of life there are people who do not identify themselves with those whose interests they are supposed to serve. Such can be easily dispensed with and replaced at a moment's notice; but the man who seeks first and always his employer's advantage, is a marked man. He is valuable, and his advancement is usually rapid. We all need to remember Paul's advice to Timothy when speaking of spiritual things, "Give thyself wholly to them." It is not a question of solving our particular little problem, but of bringing "all the tithes into the storehouse," of using all our strength and courage in the glorious work of establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth. This is the goal which the true Christian Scientist has ever in view. He may stumble and rise again; he may have his discouraged moments; he may even seem to onlookers to fail in his effort to follow fully his inner vision of the Christ; but, like Sir Galahad, his strength will be as the strength of ten because his heart is pure! With Paul he can say, "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord."
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January 31, 1914 issue
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Uniformity and Unity
True Service
Healing Testimony
Purpose and Prayer
"God is light"
An Appreciation of Christian Science
Right Reckoning*
In a recent issue, under the heading "Is Seeing Believing?"...
Frederick Dixon
The attacks made by Dr. Biederwolf upon Christian Science...
Edmunds Travis
In a reference I have read, in a recent issue, to the speech...
Algernon Hervey-Bathurst
Several articles have appeared in The Post-Standard referring...
Charles I. Ohrenstein
A report from Sayre of the sermon of Dr. Stough, published...
H. Cornell Wilson
Practical Preaching
Archibald McLellan
"Pay thy debt"
Annie M. Knott
True Brotherliness
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from H. M. Sparboe, Mayor Lunn, William E. Brown, J. C. Lindsey, R. W. Kane, Walter M. French, Mr. May
I have experienced so many proofs of the power of Truth...
Augusta Ney with contributions from Emily Morrice, Frederick Morrice
I have had several proofs of the power and ability of...
L. J. Stickel
With a heart full of gratitude I desire...
O. H. René
I am indeed very grateful for all the blessings I have...
Martha Hershelman
I am glad to express my gratitude through our periodicals...
Edward Hinderland
I wish to tell of an instantaneous healing which I experienced...
Lillie C. Searle
I am grateful for the many blessings that Christian Science...
Margaret D. McKie
Dawn of Truth
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from W. E. Orchard