When our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, established the board of lectureship of The Mother Church, she perfected an organization to do what Christian Scientists as individuals had been doing in a desultory sort of way, namely, the correcting of false impressions about Christian Science by telling what this teaching is and what it is doing in behalf of humanity. It is of course impossible, in the short time that is available, to go into the details of Christian Science teaching as would be done in a class-room, but it is possible for the lecturer so to present his subject that he will help his audience to lay aside many of the erroneous beliefs about this Science and its Founder which they had previously held. That this is being done is abundantly proved by the testimony of many who have obtained their first true concept of Christian Science in this way, and that much more can be done is also proved by the fact that in many cities and towns where the lectures are given large numbers who wish to attend are unable to gain admission because of the limited seating capacity of the halls and other buildings available for the purpose.

Because of this condition, which in itself is gratifying because it witnesses to a steadily growing interest in Christian Science, it has been found advisable in some of the larger cities to repeat the lecture on successive evenings until all who desire to hear it have been accommodated. In other places the same result has been accomplished by the giving of lectures at more frequent intervals during the year, and in cities where there are a number of churches a much wider circle has been reached by occasionally givine a lecture in some very large hall, under the auspices of all the churches. All these plans have much to commend them, and good results have followed wherever they have been adopted; but it must not be forgotten that there is still another way in which the good work of the lecturers can be augmented, and that is by the distribution of our periodicals at the close of each lecture. The Sentinel and Journal are particularly well adapted for this purpose, not only because the teachings of Christian Science are elucidated more in detail than is possible by the lecturer in the brief time at his command, but also because through them authenticated testimonies of Christian Science healing are brought to the notice of those who have not yet realized the fulness and availability of Christ Jesus' teachings in this regard, and thus their newly awakened interest in the possibilities of Christian Science is strengthened, with the result usually that further inquiry is made.

By reference to Section 4 of Article XXXII of the Church Manual, it will be seen that branch churches are not limited to one lecture each year. This is the minimum, but they are at liberty to give as many more as are needed to accommodate all those who are ready to hear of the healing and saving message of Christian Science, and to fearn at first hand the truth about its fundamental teachings. When the thought of a community had been directed to the efficacy of Christian Science through the healing work which is like an opening wedge in breaking down the barriers of misapprehension and prejudice, it will be found that thinking people welcome an opportunity to listen to a dispassionate presentation of the truth by an authorized exponent, and to those who are hearing of this wonderful truth for the first time, the Sentinel or Journal courteously proffered at the close of the lecture often proves a steppingstone to a desire for further knowledge, and the acquisition of the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," is usually followed by the study of the Lesson-Sermon and attendance upon the church services, with its consequent benefits.

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January 11, 1913

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